
  1. 被拆迁人私有财产法律保护研究

    Study on Protecting the Private Property of House 's Owners during House Removal

  2. 被拆迁人不管与房地产公司相比还是与政府相比,都是弱势群体。

    Compared with the real estate company and the government , the dismantles are disadvantage groups .

  3. 被拆迁人的概念有变新拆迁法新在哪儿?

    The concept of a person being taken into the new buildings in the AFP where ?

  4. 这些问题既涉及拆迁人和被拆迁人各方的利益,也涉及到拆迁制度的安排。

    These problems involved each aspect of both sides of resettlement and also the arrangement of resettlement .

  5. 从而来建立有利于保护被拆迁人合法权益的程序制度。

    Order to create conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the demolition process system .

  6. 公益性城市房屋拆迁要引入协商机制,保障被拆迁人的话语权。

    The latter should be introduced into consultation mechanism to guarantee the discourse power of the dismantled .

  7. 城市房屋拆迁问题是开发商经济利益、被拆迁人个人利益以及政府城市建设的公共利益之间的冲突。

    There is a conflict of the interests among the housebreaking householder , the developer and the government .

  8. 通过以上措施来具体完善我国的被拆迁人财产权保障制度,进一步保护城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人的财产权。

    Though above measures , we can perfect relocated people property rights system and protect the relocated people legal rights .

  9. 拆迁安置补偿方式应尊重被拆迁人的选择,补偿标准应按照地方拆迁管理条例规定及具体情况修正后确定。

    Providing options to the dispersed in the compensation system and the compensation standard be decided to the local regulation ;

  10. 在拆迁中,被拆迁人失去的不仅仅是地上的房屋,还有房屋所占的土地使用权。

    The owner lost not only the house , but also the share of the land use right in demolition .

  11. 但在旧城改造中,出现了许多问题,其核心在于被拆迁人居住条件保障。

    However , in urban redevelopment , there were many questions , which is core to the households living conditions assurance .

  12. 行政管理活动应当为衡平拆迁人与被拆迁人利益及其与社会利益之间的关系提供服务。

    The administrative activities shall provide service for balancing the relationship between house-breakers and house-owners , and their relationship with social interests .

  13. 地方政府应转变观念,依法行政,畅通被拆迁人的体制内参与渠道。

    The local governments should change their mind , promote administration according to law , and unblock the participation channels in system .

  14. 因而在拆迁过程中,必须给予被拆迁人合理补偿,对其进行妥善的安置。

    Thus in the process of dismantling , the house owner must be given compensation reasonably , and helped settle down appropriately .

  15. 本文以保护被拆迁人的基本权利为价值追求,主要采用价值分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法。

    The paper pursues the value of protecting the basic rights of house owner with the method of integrating the theory and practice .

  16. 随着在全国范围内房屋拆迁工作中,被拆迁人合法权益被侵害的情况日趋严重。

    Nowdays , the legal rights and interests of the dismantled in house dismantlement are violated more and more seriously in our country .

  17. 明确被拆迁人的宅基地使用权在内的财产权利,合理确定拆迁补偿标准;

    Moreover , the properties ' rights of the owner of removed building are specified and the proper standards of removal compensation are confirmed .

  18. 我们如果只是测量了数据,而没有消除被拆迁人的疑虑,就可能影响到拆迁工作。

    If we only measured data , but not eliminate the doubts to be removed and relocated , they may affect the demolition work .

  19. 房屋承租人,是指与被拆迁人具有合法租赁关系的单位和个人。

    The lessee of the house refers to the unit or individual person who has established legal lease relationship with the " owner " .

  20. 对于房屋拆迁的程序及其补偿制度也进行了逐步的探讨,希望通过司法审查权的设立,加强对被拆迁人财产权益的保护。

    He hopes to set up the judicial examination and strengthen the protection of property rights and interests of the residents whose houses are relocated .

  21. 项目转让人和受让人应当书面通知被拆迁人,并自转让合同签订之日起30日内予以公告。

    Project assignor and the assignee should be taken in writing , and since the transfer of the date of the contract to30 days notice .

  22. 城市房屋拆迁涉及政府、被拆迁人以及开发商的利益,是一种相当复杂的利益博弈行为。

    Being related to the interest of the government , the dismantled , and the developer , city house dismantlement is a rather complicated activity of interest war .

  23. 更为甚者,各种暴力冲突在拆迁过程中上演,暴力拆迁,被拆迁人的暴力反抗,这些暴力拆迁所引发的极端案例每天都在上演。

    Even worse , there are some kinds of violence performed in the course of demolition , the violence demolition ; these extreme cases are staged every day .

  24. 在商业性城市拆迁中,政府、开发商、被拆迁人之间存在复杂的利益关系;而公益性拆迁主要涉及政府和被拆迁人。

    In commercial city demolition , government , demolition developers and the dismantled have complex relationship of interests ; And the public demolition mainly concerns the dismantled and government .

  25. 只有建立房屋拆迁价格评估制度,完善我国城镇房屋拆迁工作,才能从根本上保护被拆迁人的合法权益。

    So , the house owners'legal rights can be protected thoroughly only by constructing price estimate system for house dismantlement and perfecting urban house dismantlement work in our country .

  26. 在这种情况下,被拆迁人往往会选择拒绝拆迁等消极、被动的反抗方式,最终导致各方拆迁成本都过高。

    Under such circumstances , the public often choose to reject the demolition , and other negative and passive resistance , leading to the costs of demolition is too high .

  27. 涉及到政府、拆迁人以及被拆迁人三方主体参与的城市房屋拆迁是一项相当复杂的利益博弈活动。

    The urban housing demolition , involving the main three parties of the government , the demolition and the house owner , is a very complex game of interest activities .

  28. 在补偿程序上,通过确立协商程序与裁决程序,使补偿实现程序上的公正,以保护被拆迁人的合法权益。

    As the procedure , we may establish the consultation procedure and the ruling procedure to compensate in the realization procedure fairly and protect human 's legitimate rights and interests .

  29. 房屋拆迁管理制度不完善、拆迁补偿标准过低等都是造成被拆迁人利益受到损害的原因。

    The management system of house dismantlement is incomplete ; and the criterion of compensation for dismantlement is too low , which both do harm to the house owners'vital interest .

  30. 采用假设开发法评估房地产拆迁补偿价格有利于保护拆迁人和被拆迁人的利益,维护社会稳定。

    Using the hypothetical development method to appraise the compensation price for removal is advantageous in protection the benefits of the remover and the relocation household , defending the social stability .