
  • 网络Aulacogen
  1. 海南岛西部早古生代裂陷槽

    Early Palaeozoic aulacogen in the western of Hainan Island

  2. 一个加里东期的裂陷槽&对浙西早古生代沉积盆地成因类型的新认识

    A Caledonian aulacogen a review for the genetic type of Early Paleozoic sedimentary basin of the west part of Zhejiang Province

  3. 结合Nd同位素特征以及区域背景得出本区早元古代变质火山岩形成于裂陷槽环境。

    Their Nd isotopic characteristics and regional geological background also imply that the Early Proterozoic volcanic rocks formed in depression trough .

  4. 鄂西地区晚二叠世沉积特征与台内裂陷槽的演化

    Sedimentary Characteristics of Late Permian in Western Hubei Province and Evolution of Inter-Platform Rift

  5. 奥陶纪&志留纪大致沿勉略构造带形成南秦岭裂陷槽。

    A rift trough along Mianxian-Lueyang ophiolitic melange belt was formed from Ordovician to Silurian .

  6. 华北陆块北缘西段狼山-渣尔泰山裂陷槽西延的地质依据及其意义华北地块南缘向北的薄皮推覆构造及北秦岭加里东造山作用

    Northward thin-skinned nappe structure in the southern margin of North China landmass and Caledonian orogeny in northern Qinling

  7. 控矿构造环境为裂谷构造,成矿受裂陷槽及区域性同沉积断裂控制;

    The ore controlling tectonic environment is rift structure and ore is controlled by rift trough and regional synsedimentary fracture .

  8. 金矿容矿地层-岔河组和清水沟组形成于昆阳裂陷槽演化的晚阶段。

    The ore-bearing strata , Chahuo Formation and Qingshuigou Formation , were formed in the late stage of the evolution of the Kunyang taphrogeosycline .

  9. 结果认为,宏观上,太行山南段铜矿化带受裂陷槽和变质核杂岩构造体系的控制。

    The occurrence of the copper mineralization was jointly controlled by the factors such as stratum , lithology , brittle-ductile fracture and country rock alteration etc.

  10. 矿区位于广南-富宁裂陷槽,该裂陷槽经历了隆起-断陷-再度分裂-深度沉陷-消亡五个阶段。

    Mine is located in Guang Nan-Fu Ning rift trough , the trough has experienced uplift rift-rift-again split-the depth of subsidence-die out the five stages .

  11. 根据生态环境和沉积环境的差异,黔南晚二叠世生物群和地层可分出两种类型:浅海台地型和次深海裂陷槽型,后者为深水型。

    According to the ecologic and sedimentary features , the Late Permian biota and strata of south Guizhou can be grouped into the shallow platform type and sub byssal aulacogen type .

  12. 根据南丹罗富、大厂裂陷槽盆地泥盆系层序地层研究和与相邻稳定型泥盆系层序地层对比及层序地层格架分析,揭示了裂陷槽盆地的形成演化过程。

    On the basis of the division , correlation and study of the framework of sequences in the stable regions and rift trough in the Luofu , Dachang sections , Nandan County , the formation and evolution of the rift trough .

  13. 根据准噶尔盆地及其邻区的构造演化及岩浆活动研究,洋-陆转换时限应为早石炭世末,中、晚石炭世裂陷槽是由于造山期后伸展塌陷作用产生的;

    Based on tectonic evolution and magmatic activity of the Junggar basin and its surroundings , it is recognized that the ocean-continent transformation occurred at the end of the Early Carboniferous , and that a rifted trough of Middle-Late Carboniferous developed because of post-orogenic extensional collapse ;

  14. 新元古代由于区域地质条件不同,各地块碰撞后的构造演化存有明显的差异;新元古代本区主要由华南新元古代早期大陆碰撞带和闽西南&赣南裂陷槽组成。

    In the Neoproterozoic , there existed evident differences in the tectonic evolution of different blocks after their collision because of respective distinctive geological conditions , and the tectonic framework in the area consisted mainly of the early Neoproterozoic Huanan continental collision zone and the southwestern Fujian-southern Jiangxi aulacogen .

  15. 长汀浅变质岩系主要为晚元古代至早古生代内陆裂陷海槽的沉积作用产物。

    The Changting low-grade metamorphic rock series are derived from the later Proterozoic-early Palaeozoic sedimentation of the inland rift trough .

  16. 以松花江地块为基础,论述了早寒武纪世上叠盆地局限海沉积、中奥陶世裂陷火山-沉积及晚古生代三个裂陷槽沉积的地层发育特征。

    With Songhuajiang massif as basis , the developing characters of the sediments in Early Cambrian superposed basin , Middle Ordovician faulted volcanic-sedimentary deposits and Late Paleozoic volcanic-Sedimentary deposits in three faulted trough basins are discussed .

  17. 裂陷盆地控制了石炭系烃源岩,使其沿裂陷槽分布;

    The aulacogen basin controlled the Carboniferous source rock distributed along rift valley .

  18. 张裂盆地可分为陆内断陷和裂谷、克拉通边缘裂陷槽和被动大陆边缘。

    Intracontinental faulted basin and rift , aulacogen , and passive continental margin .