
zhuānɡ jiǎ liè chē
  • armored train
  1. 在那里,他有机会作为一名战地记者随着简易装甲列车进行跟踪采访。

    While there , he was offered a chance to accompany an expedition on an improvised armored train .

  2. 外界普遍相信,金正日不愿乘坐飞机,而是偶尔乘坐他的装甲列车出访。

    Mr Kim is widely believed to shun air travel , making his rare trips outside the country in his armoured train .

  3. 目击者称,昨日清晨一列装甲列车从朝鲜进入中国时,铁路沿线戒备森严,这支持了人们的怀疑,即代表团的头号人物正是金正日。

    Suspicions that Mr Kim was heading the delegation himself were supported by witness accounts of heavy security cordons when an armoured train crossed into China from North Korea early in the morning .

  4. 提高我军后送交通工具的保障能力,如装备装甲救护车、卫生列车、医院船等装备。

    We should raise the protective ability of the evacuation of transport , such as armored ambulance , healthy train , hospital ship .