
zhuānɡ jiǎ chē
  • armored car;armored motor car
装甲车 [zhuāng jiǎ chē]
  • [armored car] 常安装机枪和轻型火炮并装有防弹钢板的汽车或列车

  1. 美军M8装甲车的装甲升级所需弹药资源减少25。

    Allied M8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25 .

  2. 文中利用实测到的装甲车发动机试验数据作为学习样本,采用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络建立了发动机的辨识模型,根据该模型可以得到发动机的最佳燃油消耗率曲线。

    The identification model of engine of the armored car based on the Radial Basis Function network is set up by using the test data of the engine as learning stylebook . The optimal fuel consumption curves of the engine can be got based on the model .

  3. 他喜欢上了坐装甲车。

    He has taken to travelling in an armour-plated car .

  4. 次日,第一军的装甲车畅通无阻地驶进突尼斯。

    The next day , 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis .

  5. 载着部队官兵的40多辆装甲车被派往该地区。

    More than forty armoured vehicles carrying troops have been sent into the area .

  6. Matlab在装甲车发动机性能试验数据处理中的应用

    The Application of Matlab in Data Analysis of Engine Feature Test of Armored Vehicles

  7. 履带式小型装甲车是由一个BAR和一挺机枪组成的支援武器。

    The Bren is a mix of a support weapon such as a BAR and a machinegun .

  8. 据报告,戴面具的袭击者从装甲车上偷了个GPS转调器,然后抢劫了一辆当地车辆逃走了。

    The masked assailants reportedly stole a GPS transponder from the armored SUV , then carjacked a local vehicle to get away .

  9. M8灰狗不在对装甲车造成叠加性的引擎损害。

    M8 Greyhound no longer does incremental engine damage to vehicles .

  10. 但BAE为这种地位付出了高昂的代价,不仅放弃了所持空客的股份,还在2007年出高价收购了ArmorHoldings(该公司生产伊拉克战场上使用的装甲车)。

    But it paid a stiff price for the status , not only abandoning its Airbus stake but overpaying in 2007 for Armor Holdings , which made armoured vehicles needed in Iraq .

  11. 土耳其国家新闻机构阿纳多卢通讯社(Anadolunewsagency)周三夜间说,包括重型装甲车在内的约30辆军用车辆已经从地中海的伊斯肯德伦(Iskenderun)基地转移至土叙边境。

    Turkey 's state-run Anadolu news agency late on Wednesday said some 30 military vehicles , including heavy armor , had moved to the border from Iskenderun base on the Mediterranean .

  12. 在CampPendleton的一个私人欢迎会上,海军陆战队员向施瓦辛格展示了一辆重14吨、有一座小房子大小的装甲车。施瓦辛格大加赞叹,并半开玩笑地说他也想要一辆自己开开。

    During a private reception at Pendleton , Mr. Schwarzenegger marveled when marines showed him a 14-ton armored vehicle the size of a small suburban home , noting half-jokingly that he 'd like one for his personal use .

  13. 和平奖:授予立陶宛市长ArturasZuokas,以奖励他成功解决了道路乱停车的问题,方法是驾驶一辆装甲车去压碎它们!

    PEACE : Arturas Zuokas for solving the problem of illegally parked cars by crushing them with an armored vehicle .

  14. 一名助手应和说,如果能看到这位前州长开着装甲车在洛杉矶转上一圈,那将是一件乐事&这种车比他偶尔开的悍马(Hummers)还要大上一些。

    An aide remarked that he would enjoy seeing the former governor drive it around Los Angeles - a slightly larger version of the Hummers he sometimes drives .

  15. 他还相信,BAE在军队设备方面的强项,尤其是装甲车和防地雷车,让它在发生在像阿富汗这样地方的他称之为“当前战斗”之中,处于有利地位。

    He also believes that BAE 's strength in army equipment , particularly armoured and mine-resistant vehicles , stands it in good stead for what he calls the " current fight " in places such as Afghanistan .

  16. 下午6点50分左右,M-88装甲车驶离雕像,挂着铁链,脸朝前拖着雕像。

    Around 6.50pm the M-88 drove away from the statue , dragging it face forward with the chain around its neck .

  17. 在戈兰高地被以色列人缴获了一些,至少有一辆被摆放在Latrum的装甲车博物馆内。

    Few were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights and atleast one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum .

  18. 虚拟现实装甲车模拟驾驶系统研究

    Research on Simulated Driving System for Armored Vehicles with Virtual Reality

  19. 现在已经有7辆装甲车驶过大门了。

    Seven armored cars have gone in through the gates now .

  20. 一名士兵当时正在驾驶一辆装甲车通过大门。

    A soldier was driving an armoured vehicle through the gate .

  21. 履带式小型装甲车对英军有什么作用?

    What role does the Bren serve for the British team ?

  22. 研究了直升机及地面装甲车的声场特征。

    Study the acoustic field character of helicopter and armored car .

  23. 高爆/变时弹对静止的装甲车也有效。

    HE / VT is also effective against stationary armored vehicles .

  24. 坦克、装甲车乘员热应激问题的解决方案

    Heat Stress Problem and Solution of Tank & Armored Vehicle Crewmen

  25. 他们的进攻还得到坦克和装甲车的支援。

    Their attack was also supported by tanks and armoured cars .

  26. 某履带式装甲车悬挂系统的滚针轴承分析

    The Needle Roller Bearings Analysis of a Tracked Armored Vehicle Suspension

  27. 反坦克装甲车:增加装甲部队反坦克能力。

    Tank Destroyers – Increases the Anti-Tank bonus of Armor units .

  28. 随后,一架直升飞机向黎巴嫩几辆装甲车发射导弹。

    Then a helicopter fired missiles at several Lebanese armored vehicles .

  29. 后来我又发现一辆装甲车在古翠路的路口。

    And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road .

  30. 我们一直用那个装甲车公司。

    We use that armor car company all the time .