
  1. 富含眉毛生养能量,浓重黑褐色调,率直果敢,时尚帅性。

    Rich in eyebrow have energy , Thick dark brown color , Frank bold , fashion and handsome .

  2. 我走上前,观赏着这25支鱼雷形状的宝物,浅褐色调,长度有6英寸多一点,每一支都有一个巧克力棕色的标箍,上面印着一个白色的剑形徽章。

    I stepped over to admire the 25 torpedo-shaped beauties , light brown in hue and just over six inches long , each adorned with a chocolate-brown band emblazoned with a white sword insignia .

  3. 根据红外光谱中氮峰的特点可知,随着金刚石褐色调的加深,三种氮的吸收峰均有所增强,但增强幅度不同。

    According to characteristic of nitrogen peaks in infrared spectrum , we can see that with the deepening of diamond-brown tone , three kinds of nitrogen absorption peaks are increased , but the increases are in different magnitude .