
hè tiě kuàng
  • limonite;ferrohydrite;perlimonite;aetite
褐铁矿[hè tiě kuàng]
  1. 微细粒褐铁矿对菱锌矿浮选的影响研究

    Study on the effects of ultrafine perlimonite on smithsonite flotation

  2. 金主要在褐铁矿及粘土矿物之中富集。

    Au is found rich mainly in ferrohydrite and clay minerals .

  3. C高;高配比褐铁矿的烧结试验研究

    Study on Sintering Test with High Ratio of Limonite

  4. MgO含量对褐铁矿烧结的影响

    Effect of MgO content on limonite sinter productivity and quality

  5. 查清了该矿Fe品位为35.55%,P含量为0.88%,矿石中的铁主要以褐铁矿的形式产出,少量以赤铁矿的形式产出,赤铁矿大部份呈显微鳞片状分布于褐铁矿中。

    Have made a thorough investigation of iron in ore is that the form with haematite and the limonite outputs mainly . That ore Fe grade is 35.55 % , P contents are 0.88 % .

  6. SYP增效剂用于褐铁矿烧结的试验研究

    Test of using SYP sintering promoting agent in brown iron ores sintering

  7. Hg(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)和Cr(Ⅵ)离子在天然磁铁矿与褐铁矿上的吸附行为都可以较好的用Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温式描述。

    The adsorption behavior of Hg ( II ), Cd ( II ) and Cr ( VI ) ions on natural magnetite and limonite can be described by Langmuir and Freundlich equations .

  8. SYP增效剂的使用,在一定程度上解决了褐铁矿烧结强度差、返矿量大的问题,为拓宽资源利用,降低成本奠定了良好的基础。

    The application of SYP sintering promoting agent , has solved the problems of poor strength , higher return fins in brown iron ores sintering .

  9. 根据昆钢红河钢铁有限公司烧结以褐铁矿为主的原料特点,结合生产实践提出了添加SYP增效剂烧结的技术思路。

    Pointed at the characteristics that the main sintering raw material was brown iron ores , and combined with the production practice in Hong He I & S Co.

  10. 利用水合金属氧化物和氢氧化物矿物表面重金属离子发生吸附作用的原理,进行了天然褐铁矿处理含Hg(Ⅱ)废水的实验。

    The main affecting factors and adsorption isotherms in the application of natural iron_bearing oxides and hydroxides to the treatment of Hg (ⅱ) wastewater were studied with the theory of adsorption of heavy metal ions on the surface of water_metal oxides and hydroxides .

  11. 阐述了SSS-I型湿式双频双立环高梯度磁选机的工作原理,介绍了该磁选机在镜铁矿、褐铁矿选别及非金属矿除杂方面的应用。

    The working principle of SSS-I wet type double frequency pulsation double vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator is presented . The application of above separator in the separation of hematite , limonite as well as in the area of removing imparities from nonmetallic ore is introduced .

  12. 主要载金矿物是石英、黄铁矿和褐铁矿。

    The main gold-carrying mineral is quartz , pyrite and limonite .

  13. 褐铁矿的应用现状及承钢的实验室研究

    Application situation of limonite and its laboratory research in Cheng steel

  14. 铁帽型金矿中黄铁矿与褐铁矿含金量的测定

    Determination of Gold Content in Limonite and Pyrite from Golden Gossan

  15. 云南某褐铁矿的选矿工艺研究

    Study on the Beneficiation Technology of a Limonite Ore in Yunnan

  16. 褐铁矿四矿固结动力学的研究

    A study on the induration kinetics of briquette from limonite ore

  17. 含金矿物主要为褐铁矿、黄铁矿和有机质。

    Gold-bearing minerals are mainly limonite , pyrite and organic material .

  18. 由褐铁矿与粘土、硅土混合而成的颜料。

    Pigment consisting of a limonite mixed with clay and silica .

  19. 低品位难选褐铁矿的浮选研究

    Study on the Flotation of Low Grade Refractory Limonite Ore

  20. 絮凝&强磁选回收易泥化褐铁矿的试验研究

    Experimental Research of Recovering Easy-to-slime Limonite by Flocculation-High Intensity Magnetic Separation Technology

  21. 主要载金矿物是褐铁矿和石英。

    Gold are mainly hosted in limonite and quartz .

  22. 含金褐铁矿直接堆浸的初步探讨

    Study on direct heap leaching of gold-bearing limonite ore

  23. 褐铁矿阳离子反浮选试验研究

    Experimental Research on Reverse Flotation with Cationic of Limonite

  24. 黄梅褐铁矿悬浮闪速磁化焙烧试验研究

    Study on Flash Magnetizing Roasting of Huangmei Limonitic Ore

  25. 某难选高磷赤褐铁矿的选矿新工艺研究

    Research on New Processing Technology for of Refractory Hematite-Limonite Ore with High Phosphorus

  26. 样品制备对褐铁矿总铁含量测定结果的影响

    Effect of sample preparation on determination results of total iron content in limonite

  27. 文章表明了褐铁矿与菱铁矿之间有着成因上的联系。

    The article indicates that there is genesisly relation between siderite ore and limonite ore.

  28. 对褐铁矿配加澳大利亚矿进行了烧结试验。

    The sintering test of hydrogoethites with proportioning of Australian iron ores was conducted .

  29. 本文采用均匀设计方法,找出了褐铁矿对钒钛磁铁矿烧结性能影响的最佳组合。

    The uniform design method to identify the limonite influence vanadium-titanium magnetite sintering properties .

  30. 矿体在地表氧化成褐铁矿,氧化深度浅。

    The orebodies in surface have been oxidized limonite and oxidize depth is shallow .