
  • 网络Brown planthopper;BPH;Nilaparvata lugens;nilaparvata lugens stal
  1. 不同褐飞虱寄主种群类酵母共生菌形态和数量的比较

    Comparison on Morphology and Number of Yeast-like Symbionts in Different Host-Associated Populations of Nilaparvata lugens

  2. 水稻品种对褐飞虱不同生物型抗性的HPLC分析

    HPLC analysis of rice variety resistance to different biotypes of Nilaparvata lugens

  3. 褐飞虱种群的DNA的提取及RAPD分析

    DNA Extraction and RAPD Analysis on the Population of Rice Brown Planthopper

  4. 褐飞虱不同生物型基因组DNA的RAPD分析

    Analysis on RAPD of Genome DNA in Different BPH Biotypes

  5. 褐飞虱对水稻品种抗性的分子反应和相关cDNA的克隆

    Molecular Reponse and cDNA Cloning in Brown Planthopper Exposure to Host Rice Resistance

  6. 褐飞虱取食水稻幼苗cDNA文库的构建及筛选

    Construction and screening of a cDNA library from rice seedlings exposed to brown planthopper

  7. 受褐飞虱取食的水稻幼苗的抑制消减cDNA文库的构建及筛选

    The construction and screening of suppression subtractive cDNA library of rice seedlings exposed to BPH

  8. 褐飞虱诱导的水稻cDNA文库的构建及锌指蛋白基因的分离

    Construction of Rice cDNA Library Induced by Brown Planthopper and Isolation of Dof Zinc Finger Protein

  9. 褐飞虱若虫均一化全长cDNA文库的构建及EST分析

    Construction of Normalized Full-length cDNA Library of Brown Planthopper Larvae and Analysis of EST

  10. 水稻对褐飞虱数量抗性位点(QTL)的分子作图

    Molecular Mapping of QTLs of Rice Conferring Resistance to Brown Planthopper

  11. 一种用于优化PID参数的改进蚁群算法褐飞虱种群生命系统管理模型的研究

    PID controller parameters optimization based on improved ant colony algorithm Studies on management model of population life system of brown planthopper

  12. H2O2或SA处理后的水稻挥发物组成相与褐飞虱危害稻株的存在差异,但也存在很多类似之处。

    There were similarities and differences in volatiles profiling between N. lugens damaged paints and H2O2 - or SA-elicited plants .

  13. 不同环境对褐飞虱翅型分化影响及褐飞虱成虫全长cDNA文库构建

    Effects of Different Environmental Condition on Wing Dimorphism of Brown Planthopper and Construction a Normalized Full-length cDNA Library of Macropterous Adults

  14. Weibull分布函数和Rayleigh密度函数在组建褐飞虱种群预测模型中的应用

    Application of Weibull Distribution Function and Rayleigh Density Function in Established Forecast Model of BPH Population Fluctuation

  15. 高CO2浓度影响褐飞虱的生理代谢,继而会对褐飞虱与体内酵母类共生菌的共生关系产生显著影响。

    Elevated CO2 can markedly affect the symbiosis relationship between YLES and BPH through the bottom-up forcing on BPH physiological metabolism . 3 .

  16. Bt籼稻对褐飞虱取食、产卵行为的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt indica rice on the feeding and oviposition behavior of the brown planthopper , Nilaparvata lugens

  17. 表明不同品种水稻在不同密度褐飞虱侵害下对根和叶片中ZR含量有不同的影响。

    The results demonstrated that the effect of N.lugens infestation on ZR content varied with rice variety and developmental stage .

  18. 以此模型对蜘蛛捕食量进行了模拟或预测分析,并同LS回归方法进行了比较.结果表明,特征根回归法可用于蜘蛛对褐飞虱捕食量的定量分析,比LS回归方法提高精度10%。

    The result showed that compared to LS regression , the accuracy of predation quantity predicted by the model increased by 10 % .

  19. 水稻转GNA基因后代对褐飞虱的抗性研究

    Resistance to Brown Planthopper in Progenies of GNA Transgenic Rice

  20. 这些结果说明水杨酸信号转导途径参与了褐飞虱为害诱导的水稻挥发物的释放,而H2O2信号转导途径在其中的作用则可能相对较小;

    These suggest that SA signaling is involved in the production of rice volatiles induced by N. lugens , while H_2O_2 signaling might be not .

  21. 研究结果解释了共生菌Wolbachia在褐飞虱种群中的维持和扩散。

    The results will explain the maintenance and spread of Wolbachia in N. lugens .

  22. B5和B14是药用野生稻与栽培品种杂交得到的转育材料,对褐飞虱表现为高抗。

    B5 and B14 derived their resistance for BPH from wild rices .

  23. 与褐飞虱的世代增长倍数差异较大,G1/G0要高于褐飞虱。

    Compared to the multiple of the brown planthopper , it was different that the first generation growth multiple was more high .

  24. 本实验主要研究了水培条件下,褐飞虱不同密度、取食不同天数对水稻根系吸收N、P、K元素的影响,即水稻根系吸收功能的影响。

    The influence on absorption of N , P and K by rice root in different bite days and density of brown paddy plant hopper was researched in the experiment , that is the influence on rice root absorption function .

  25. 用马拉硫磷筛选的褐飞虱抗性品系(R)对马拉硫磷的抗性达到1844倍,对作用于乙酰胆碱酯酶的二嗪磷、异丙威和仲丁威有一定的交互抗性,而对氰戊菊酯不表现显著的交互抗性。

    The resistant strain ( R ) of brown planthopper selected by malathion held 184 4 fold resistance to malathion and showed obvious cross resistance to all the acetylcholine receptor targeting insecticides tested , but not to fenvalerate .

  26. 水稻品种抗褐飞虱不同生物型稳定性的AMMI模型分析

    AMMI Analysis of Resistance Stability of Rice Varieties to Different Rice Brown Planthopper ( BPH ) Biotypes

  27. 采用抑制消减杂交方法,以褐飞虱取食32h的水稻幼苗及未受褐飞虱取食的水稻幼苗为作为对比材料构建了消减cDNA文库,以分离水稻幼苗中褐飞虱应答基因。

    Suppression subtractive cDNA library was constructed by using rice seedlings exposed to BPH for 32 h and control plants as materials .

  28. 褐飞虱对不同类别化合物的EAG反应也无显著性差异。

    The EAG response of N. lugens to different classes of compounds no significant difference too . 2 .

  29. 借助高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术,研究了130份对褐飞虱生物型Ⅱ具有不同抗性水平的水稻样品(26个品种)中13个次生物质含量(峰面积)的差异;

    By the method of high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ), this paper studied the contents of 13 secondary compounds from 130 samples of 26 rice varieties resistant to brown planthopper ( BPH ) Nilaparvata lugens biotype ⅱ .

  30. 褐飞虱(NilaparvatalugensStal,BPH)是水稻上的重要害虫,其发生与为害严重威胁水稻生产。

    The brown planthopper , Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) is a serious pest of rice , which threats to rice production .