
  1. 我知道西冷牛排是这里的特色菜。

    I know the sirloin steak is the specialty of this restaurant .

  2. 比方说我就很喜欢英式早晨,或者是熏鳕鱼、西冷牛排配蘑菇或洋葱。

    For example I love English breakfasts , or smoked haddock , or roast sirloin steak with mushrooms and onions .

  3. 菲力牛排的价格可能会比后腿肉牛排和西冷牛排更昂贵,但是它含有更少的油脂。通过这一简单的更换,每餐将可以少摄入125卡路里。

    Fillet steak may be more expensive than rump and sirloin , but it has much less fat , and by making this simple switch you can save up to 125 calories on your next meal .