
  • 网络Northwest China;North West;northwest territories;nwt
  1. 马更些(Mackenzie)冻土区位于加拿大西北地区,是世界上最著名的天然气水合物产地之一,也是加拿大最重要的含油气盆地之一。

    The Mackenzie permafrost , located at Northwest Territories , Canada , is one of the most important gas hydrate inventories all over the world and conventional petroleum basins in Canada .

  2. 1870年该区成为西北地区的一部分。

    The region became part of the Northwest Territories in1870 .

  3. 西北地区成为该国的大粮仓。

    The north-west became the country 's bread-basket .

  4. 正如中国之旅负责人史翔所说,"丝绸之路作为吸引外国游客的新品牌,有利于游客更多地了解中国,特别是中国的西北地区。"

    As Shi Xiang , head of the China Tours , says , " Being a new brand to attract foreign visitors , the Silk Road is good for people to know more about China , especially the northwestern part of the country . "

  5. 来自两家实验室的科学家计划,化验西北地区降下的不同寻常的、令居民感到困惑的所谓“牛奶雨”的沉淀物,希望准确地找出其来源。

    Scientists from two laboratories plan to conduct tests of unusual precipitation that fell across the region in hopes of pinpointing the origins of so-called " milky rain " that has mystified residents .

  6. 基于Web的西北地区树木木材信息管理系统开发研究

    Tree and Timber Information Management System Based on Web in Northwestern China

  7. 用MODIS数据反演辽西北地区陆面温度

    Retrieval of land surface temperature using MODIS data in northwestern liaoning

  8. 目的:通过NA基因分型,了解中国西北地区回族人群NA基因多态性。

    Objective : To understand the neutrophil antigen ( NA ) gene polymorphism in the Hui nationality in North west China by typing of NA gene .

  9. 西北地区东部夏季温度特征及与热带SSTA的相关分析

    A diagnosis for characteristic on summer temperature in the eastern part of Northwest China and its relation with SSTA over tropical Pacific

  10. 人口因素与经济发展的灰色关联(GRA)分析&以西北地区为例

    The Grey Relation Analysis ( GRA ) of Population Factors and Economic Growth & Taking Northwest China as a Case

  11. 我国首条750kV六分裂输电线路示范工程已在西北地区开工建设。

    The demonstration project of the first 750 kV 6-bundle transmission line has started its construction in northwestern region of China .

  12. 利用1986~2001年农村固定观察点数据,采用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数定量模拟分析了鲁西北地区农户种植业收入的各影响因素。

    Utilizing data from the fixed observation spots at rural areas from 1986 ~ 2001 , adopting fixed quantity imitation of C-D production function , this paper analyzes various factors that influence the income of agriculture households in plant industry at Northwest part of Shandong province .

  13. 中国西北地区面积260×104km2,已发现100多个油气田,油气资源十分丰富。

    The area of northwest China is 260 × 10 ~ 4km ~ 2 and more than 100 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the area . It has rich hydrocarbon resource .

  14. 黔西北地区立体气候与水果资源产业的开发

    The Stereoscopic Weather of NorthWest of GuiZhou and Fruit Resource Development

  15. 我国西北地区的河流主要靠冰雪融水补给。

    Many rivers in the Northwest China are supplied by meltwater .

  16. 我国西北地区降水强度、频率和总量变化

    Changes in Precipitation Intensity , Frequency and Total in Northwest China

  17. 开发西北地区体育旅游业的研究

    Development research of the sport tourism industry in the northwest area

  18. 桂西北地区锑矿地质特征及找矿标志探讨

    Geological characteristics and ore indicators of antimony deposit in northwestern Guangxi

  19. 西北地区残积淤泥类土的工程地质特性

    Engineering geological properties of the residue mucky soil in Northwest Regions

  20. 西北地区短临观测前兆标志体系研究

    Research on Precursory Indication System of Short-Impending Observation in Northwest China

  21. 西北地区林业文献资源调查及综合分析

    Investigation and comprehensive analysis of forestry document resources in Northwest China

  22. 西北地区城镇污水再生利用的探讨

    Study on Sewage Regeneration Use in Northwest Area Cities and Towns

  23. 论西北地区生态环境建设问题与战略

    On some issues and Stratiges of ecological construction in Northwest China

  24. 西北地区发展战略研究中值得注意的几个问题

    Problems Noteworthy in Researching the Strategy of Developing the Northwestern Region

  25. 湘西北地区志留、泥盆系遗迹化石再研究

    A Restudy on silurian ─ devonian ichnofossils from Northwestern Hunan area

  26. 旅游转型中滇西北地区经济型饭店发展策略

    Development of Economical Hotel during the Tourist Transformation in Northwest Yunnan Province

  27. 我国西北地区心脏瓣膜置换术后低强度抗凝的初步研究

    Research on low intense anticoagulation following heart valve replacement in northwest China

  28. 经济全球化与西北地区的对外开放

    Economic Globalization And The Foreign Opening In Chinese Northwestern areas

  29. 利用校内网络课程提高西北地区法学教育质量

    Using the Campus Web-based Course to Enhance the Northwest Law Education Quality

  30. 关于中国西北地区生态短路若干问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary Exploration on Problems of Ecological Short Circuit in Northwest of China