
  1. 西汉帝陵在西咸新区、关中天水经济区等建设的大潮下也处于这种矛盾之中。

    The Western Han Dynasty mausoleum is also in this kind of contradiction , during the construction of Xi Xian New Area and Guanzhong Tianshui Economic Zone .

  2. 近年来,为了促进西安的进一步发展,缩小与沿海地区差距,西安和咸阳两市决定建立西咸新区,推进西咸一体化进程,加快发展步伐。

    In recent years , in order to quicken the pace of development of Xi ' an and reduce the gap between Xi ' anand costal cities , a new district , Xi-Xian District , is set up by the governments of Xi ' anand Xianyang .