
xī xià wánɡ línɡ
  • Western Xia imperial tombs;Mausoleum of the Kings of Xixia Dynasty
  1. 西夏王陵4号陵冲沟发育过程、特征及其影响因素

    Growth Process & Features and Influencing Factors on Gully of The No.4 Tomb in The Western Xia Mausoleums

  2. 现在银川市西约25千米处的贺兰山东麓,分布着一片古墓群,依山而葬,便是西夏的历代王陵。

    Today one can see a group of ancient tombs at the foot of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain about25km west of the city of Yinchuan and they are burial sites of successive generations of Xixia rulers .