
  • 网络Xi'an Bell Tower;Bell Tower of Xi'an;The Bell Tower
  1. 西安钟楼保存得十分完整。

    Xi'an 's Bell Tower has been kept in perfect condition .

  2. 西安钟楼本身就是一座古建筑。

    The Bell Tower is an ancient structure in its own right .

  3. 西安钟楼的交通振动响应分析及评估

    Analysis and Assessment of the Vibration Responds Traffic-Induced of Xi'an Bell Tower

  4. 行驶车辆对西安钟楼木结构微振动影响的试验研究

    Experiment investigation of micro-vibration in wooden structure of Xi ′ an Bell Tower caused by traffic vehicles

  5. 站在西安钟楼上啊,东南西北四座城门都能看见。

    Standing on the Xi'an Bell Tower , we can see the north , south , east and west city gates .

  6. 因而西安钟楼已有1300年历史,是中国现存历史最悠久的钟楼,也是规模最大,最完整的钟楼。

    So , Bell Tower in Xi'an has been 1300 years , the longest existing one in Chinese history , and also the biggest and most complete one .

  7. 本文介绍了以成本为主的定价策略的若干具体方法,西安钟楼饭店可以根据具体情况灵活多样地制定客房的价格,以符合实际的房价政策来降低饭店的客房闲置率。

    This paper introduces several specific-pricing methods based on cost-oriented strategy , suggesting that the Bell Tower Hotel should adopt a flexible guest-room-pricing strategy according to different situation .

  8. 西安市钟楼至广济街城市夜景观照明浅析

    Brief Analysis of Landscape Lighting in Xi'an & From Bell Tower to Guangji Street

  9. 根据所建立的区域停车诱导系统综合评价指标体系及模型对西安市钟楼区域内停车诱导系统进行了综合评价,验证了评价体系及模型的可靠性。

    According to the established regional parking guidance system comprehensive evaluation index system and model , conducted a comprehensive evaluation to the region of clock tower in Xi ' an , it approves the evaluation system and the reliability of models are verified .

  10. 第五,将该城市天际线评价方法应用到西安市中心区(钟楼周边)进行实证研究。

    Fifth , the city skyline evaluation method is applied to the Xi ' an city center ( bell tower surrounding ) an empirical study .

  11. 本文将以西安市当前的酒店业及写字间租赁市场的整体经济环境为背景,首先分析西安钟楼邮政酒店所处的外部环境,以及现实面临的机会与威胁;

    This paper is based on economy circumstance of Xi'an bell tower post hotel .