
  • Westerner;occidental
  1. 在某些方面,非洲人的思维方式与西方人相差甚远。

    In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one .

  2. 不管是东方人还是西方人,他们都爱和平。

    Whether they are oriental or occidental , they all love peace .

  3. 没有签证的西方人不能乘飞机入境。

    No westerner could fly in without a visa .

  4. 据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生。

    There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place .

  5. 她补充说,西方人对包办婚姻的概念有些误解。

    She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west .

  6. 佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。

    Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind .

  7. 在西方人眼里,伊拉克是位于具有重要战略意义的地区的一个重要强国。

    In Western eyes , Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance .

  8. 由于“东方人”和“西方人”之间存在巨大的分歧,战争期间的战略方针没有得到切实的执行。

    Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between ' easterners ' and ' westerners '

  9. 面包对于西方人就像大米对于大多数中国人一样。

    Bread to Westerners is just like rice to most chinese .

  10. 许多西方人对东方文化和习俗很感兴趣。

    Many Westerners are very interested in the Oriental cultures and customs .

  11. 西方人相比,中国人对于性的态度表面上假正经,事实上更加开放。

    Chinese approach sex with an attitude that seems alternately more prudish and more open than that of westerners .

  12. 是的,我说,但考虑到历史上图阿雷格人的背叛和暗斗,西方人能信任他们吗?

    Yes , I said , but given the Tuareg history of betrayal and infighting , could the West trust them ?

  13. 中国的科学界向着讲文明的标准迈进了一步,西方人认为这种文明之花只在本国盛开。

    And Chinese science has taken a step towards the standards of civilised discourse that Westerners like to think prevail in their own countries .

  14. 一些西方人可能不会很快适应这些习惯。

    Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon .

  15. 然而,在西方文化中,情况恰恰相反——许多西方人认为晒黑的皮肤更漂亮。

    In Western culture , however , the opposite is true --- many Westerners think tanned skin is prettier .

  16. 由于人种不同,西方人的肤色比东方人要白很多。

    Western people usually have fairer complexions than Eastern people .

  17. 那年轻人看起来像西方人。

    The young man looks like a westerner .

  18. 多数西方人都想保持年轻,因为老年时光不快乐

    Most westerners want to stay young because old age is not a happy time .

  19. 赫弗斯坦托尔女士(MsHvistendahl)令人信服地讲述了一个不为人知的故事:西方人如何助长性别选择在亚洲开始的情形。

    Ms Hvistendahl is convincing in telling the little-known story of how Westerners helped create the conditions under which sex selection began in Asia .

  20. 文化自我观点质疑自我增强(self-enhancement)的跨文化普遍性,认为东亚人并非像西方人一样拥有对自我保持积极评价的需要,而是自我提升(self-improvement)。

    The cultural-self perspective challenged the universality of self-enhancement . It was argued that Easterners do not own the same positive self-regard as the Westerners .

  21. 结论中国汉族人载脂蛋白Eε4等位基因频率比西方人低,可以部分地解释汉族人AD的低发病率。

    Conclusions The obtained ε 4 rate of 10 0 % and 18 3 % are lower than most of the Western findings , and this may account in part for the lower prevalence of AD found among the Chinese Han nationality .

  22. 西方人与中国人一样没有意识到,中国人(Chineseness)这个概念本身就反映了战略宽容的胜利。

    What Westerners and Chinese alike tend not to realize is that the very idea of Chinese-ness reflects a triumph of strategic tolerance .

  23. 中国运动员在传统上由西方人把持的体育项目中取得成就的话,会获得特别的景仰:看看跨栏运动的刘翔、NBA里的姚明,以及如今纵横奥运会泳池的孙杨。

    Chinese athletes who excel in sports that the West traditionally dominates have a special place in the pantheon : See Liu Xiang in the high hurdles , Yao Ming in the N.B.A. and now Sun Yang in the Olympic swimming pool .

  24. 卡斯蒂廖尼曾带领杜卡迪(Ducati)等其他摩托车品牌实现复兴。这一次,他希望借着“第三次的幸运”(西方人认为第三次尝试成功的可能性比前两次更大——译者注)振兴奥古斯塔。再来看振兴奥古斯塔面临的挑战。

    Mr Castiglioni had revived other motorcycle brands such as Ducati , and he hoped it would be third time lucky with MV Agusta .

  25. 家庭由仆人和奴隶陪同,他们多数是来自苏格兰和爱尔兰的凯尔特人(对挪威人来说的西方人Westmen)。

    The families were accompanied by servants and slaves , many were Celts from Scotland and Ireland ( known as Westmen to the Norse ) .

  26. 特别是你,让我学到一些西方人的文化。

    Specially you , let me learn some westerner 's culture .

  27. 这对西方人来说,是一个新的思维框架。

    For westerners , this is a new framework for thinking .

  28. 在沙特阿拉伯有少于100000人的西方人。

    There are less than 1 00000 Westerners in Saudi Arabia .

  29. 我们西方人可以支持相关对话,并且对此加以鼓励。

    We in the West can support dialogue and offer encouragement .

  30. 这是为美国品牌辩护的西方人喜欢的论调。

    This was the argument favored by Westerners defending American brands .