
  • 网络Western Church;Western Missionary;Church in the West
  1. 西方教会学校对中国近代学校体育的影响

    Influence of Western Missionary School Upon Physical Education of China in Modern Times

  2. 在科技出版的开拓期,西方教会出版机构仍占据着重要地位。

    The western missionary publishing agents still plaid a dominant role in the scientific publishing during the pioneering stage .

  3. 他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。

    He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism .

  4. 西方教会与金陵大学的创建过程及建筑艺术

    Western churches and the architecture and the constructive process of Jingling University

  5. 你想了解西方教会传统庆祝圣诞的节目吗?

    Do you want to know about the Christmas traditions in Western countries ?

  6. 西方教会系基督教所属的天主教、东正教、新教三大教派。

    Western church refers to Catholicism , Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism , the branch of Christian .

  7. 透过近代西方教会对温州地方权力格局演化的影响,为研究近代中国地方权力结构的变迁提供个案诠释。

    It provides a case interpretation for the research on the evolution of modern local power structure .

  8. 阿奎那的社会思想反映了当时基督教以及西方教会在社会中地位的变化。

    His social ideas reveals the changing social statue of Christianity and its western churches in society .

  9. 边区政府对西方教会采取了一系列具体的政策和措施,并取得了良好的成果。

    The series of policies and measures which the Border Region government took have brought positive effect .

  10. 在安徽省近代史中,西方教会在安徽境内兴办诊所和医院达74所。

    In the modern Anhui province , the west missionary established clinics and hospitals to 74 in Anhui .

  11. 由西方教会创办的教会大学对早期中国高等医学教育的发展起到了极为重要的作用。

    Church-funded universities played an important role in the development of Chinese higher medical education in early period .

  12. 鸦片战争后,西方教会势力逐渐深入驻马店地区,其主要教派是天主教和基督教。

    After Opium War , the western missionaries gradually permeated in Zhumadian Prefecture , the main factions are Catholic and Christian .

  13. 第二个使西方教会繁荣兴旺的因素,是来到欧洲的一种新的政治稳定和安全。

    A second factor which made the Western Church prosperous was a new political stability and safety which had come to Europe .

  14. 在特殊历史环境下,边区政府处理好与西方教会间的关系显得尤为重要。

    Under the special historical background , it became very important for the Border Region government to deal well with its relations with western church .

  15. 该文总结了西方教会在武汉办学的发展情况,叙述了几所著名的教会学校并分析武汉教会学校建筑特点。

    This article summarizes the development of western mission school in Wuhan , describes several well-known mission schools and analyzes the architectural characteristics of mission schools in Wuhan .

  16. 在相当长的时间里,西方教会圣母崇拜的水平要低于东方,不过4&5世纪拉丁三博士的有关论述奠定了天主教圣母崇拜的基调。

    For a long time , the cult of the Virgin in West has influenced by the East , but three Latin Doctors ' works on the Virgin established the keynote of devotion in Catholicism .

  17. 一方面,传统慈善事业因管理不善、缺少经费等原因,日渐衰落;另一方面,随着中国门户洞开,西方教会在华慈善事业得以全面兴起。

    On one hand , because of bad management , lack of funds and other reasons , traditional charity has ebbed ; On the other hand , as China portal opened , western church charity career fully rise in China .

  18. 近代以来,特别是西方教会势力向这座内陆城市渗透以来,在当时特定的政治、经济、技术等多重因素的影响下,成都的近代教育及其教建筑形态都发生了巨大的变化。

    Since the modern tunes , especially when the western religions began to infiltrate into the city , the modem educational and architectural patterns have taken a great change under the special political , economic and technological influences at that time .

  19. 西方教会为了能使中国人接受福音,通过在华创办教育事业,尤其是高等教育事业,对学生进行宗教性浓厚的道德教育,培养他们成为基督徒或是对基督教有好感的人。

    The western church could cause the Chinese to accept the gospel , through organizing the education in China , particularly the higher education . Carrying on the strong moral education , human who trained them to become the Christian , perhaps had the favorable impression to Christianity .

  20. 谈西方中世纪教会与音乐的关系

    On the Relationship Between Churches And Music in the Middle Ages in the West

  21. 西方基督教教会自复调音乐产生以来,对复调技法的发展一直抱以十分关注的态度。

    The Christian Church had been concerned the development of counterpoint technique since counterpoint music come into being .

  22. 支持路德,加尔文或茨温利神学的西方基督教教会的成员。

    A member of a Western Christian church adhering to the theologies of luther , calvin , or zwingli .

  23. 西方的教会为了达到吸引民众入教从而能在中国立足和发展的目的,开始在苏州创办教会中学。

    The western churches began to establish church middle schools in Suzhou in order to attract the people and to achieve a foothold and development in China .

  24. 第二次鸦片战争后,依恃不平等条约,西方基督教教会纷纷涌入山东。传教士们在山东建教堂、发展教徒,从事布道、医疗卫生、教育等活动。

    In light of the unequal treaty series after the Second Opium War , the Western Christian churches flooded into Shandong by building churches , recruiting followers and undertaking sermons , health care , education and so on there .

  25. 胡适论西方在华教会教育

    Hu Shi 's Views on the Western Missionary Education in Modern Chinese History church Ball

  26. 近代教育救国论述辩胡适论西方在华教会教育

    A Clarifying Approach to the save-the-Country-by-Promoting-Education Theory in Modern Chinese History Hu Shi 's Views on the Western Missionary Education in Modern Chinese History

  27. 基督死后七百年,《新约》被东方和西方的众教会明确选定。

    Seven hundred years after the death of Christ the New Testament was definitely adopted by the Churches of the East and by those of the West .

  28. 近代西方社会变迁为教会医疗事业在华的产生和发展提供了一个宏阔的背景。近代中国社会的特殊现实又为教会医疗事业的产生和发展提供了一个必要社会环境。

    Modern Occidental society 's changes give its development a great background and modern China particular environment gives its development a necessary social environment .

  29. 鸦片战争之后福州开埠,西方传教士纷至沓来,教会学校应运而生。

    After the opium war , Fuzhou was opened , the western missionaries arrived one after another , church school arises at the historic moment .

  30. 对于那些在中世纪成长并目睹了教皇统治与帝国冲突的西方历史学家来说,教会在拜占庭似乎仅仅是国家的一个部门。

    To historians brought up on the conflicts between papacy and Empire in the medieval west , it has often seemed that the church was a mere Department of state in byzantium .