
  • 网络sion;Xion;Roussillon
  1. 西昂提还研发出了鸡肉替代品,用3D打印机制造出了所谓的“基于纤维植物的鸡肉”。

    Mr Scionti has also developed a chicken substitute , using the 3D printer to create what he calls a ' fibrous plant-based chicken ' .

  2. 西昂提用计算机辅助设计软件设计出制作食品的程序,然后用注射器将原料注入3D打印机,将其拉成长长的微丝然后压制成牛排的形状。

    Using CAD software Mr Scionti designed a program to turn the food products , which are inserted into a machine using a syringe , into a long micro-filament which is then shaped into a steak .

  3. 法国建筑师米歇尔•莫赛西昂(MichelMossessian)在伦敦的事务所雇佣了很多不同国籍的员工,他发现“七年是个坎儿”:人们在伦敦工作七年,一旦有了孩子,通常就会离开。

    Michel Mossessian , a French architect in London whose firm employs lots of nationalities , sees something of a " seven-year cycle " : people work for seven years in London but then often leave once they have children .

  4. 布高西昂认为,针对真值条件内容概念的这两种非实在论是内在地不一致的,从而可以先验地予以拒绝。

    Boghossian claims that these two forms of irrealism about truth-conditional content are incoherent , hence can be rejected on purely apriori grounds .

  5. 西昂提说,最终目标是降低牲口产生的温室气体,这部分温室气体占据了人类导致的温室气体总排放量的14.5%。

    The objective was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock , which represent 14.5 percent of the total greenhouse emissions caused by man , he said .

  6. 霍默迪克森指出:正如西昂及其同事所发现的那样,那些最容易因气候而动乱的社会往往属于以农业为经济支柱的国家。

    As Hsiang and colleagues found , those societies most at the whim of climate tended to also be the nations with economies still rooted in agriculture , Homer-Dixon notes .