
  • 网络Xiyuan;west garden
西苑 [xī yuàn]
  • [three seas in Beijing] 即北京的三海(北海、中海、南海)

  • 深居西苑。-- 清. 张廷玉《明史》

  1. 洛阳西郊龙池沟唐代西苑宫殿遗址调查

    A Palace Site of the Tang Dynasty Found in the Western Suburbs of Luoyang

  2. 西苑的古色古香的红砖外墙,更有英国古堡古典味。

    High West antique red brick wall , more classical taste of the British castle .

  3. 目前正在招租的港教职员宿舍西苑非一般市区出租项目可比拟。

    Currently , domestic staff quarters are available for leasing general urban rental project Xiyuan non-comparable .

  4. 园林+生态理想商业城:北京西苑商业中心的规划设计

    Gardening and Ecology : ideal commercial plaza : planning design of Xiyuan Commercial Center , Beijing

  5. 从西苑饭店看国内高层旅馆的防火设计

    Fireproofing Design for Highrise Hotels

  6. 流花西苑是广州著名的盆景园,也是岭南园林的精品。

    The west garden in Liuhua Park is a famous miniascape garden and one of the excellence Lingnan Gardens .

  7. 本文介绍了一个正在北京西苑饭店运行和使用的饭店计算机管理系统。

    This paper describes a microcomputer local-network hotel management system , which is now operating in Xiyuan Hotal , Beijing .

  8. 酒店更新功能与空间的思考和实践&以南京大学西苑宾馆室内更新改造工程为例

    Reflection and Practice on Functional and Spatial Renovation for Hotels : An Example of Interior Renovation on Xiyuan Hotel Nanjing University

  9. 尊重历史·文脉·生态·人性&以北京新西苑社区规划为例

    Respecting History , Culture , Ecology and Humanity & With the Planning of the New Xiyuan Community in Beijing as an Example

  10. 外籍人士对古典味浓厚的地方情有独钟,西苑十一个单位推出后,不足一星期已经租出四个单位。

    Expatriates gorgeous place for classical soft spot for the launch of High West eleven units , four units have been let less than a week .

  11. 本文介绍了流花西苑和岭南盆景的发展概况,提出了对西苑现状景观进行优化改造的规划构思。

    The basis of analyzing the west garden present situation foundation in Guangzhou , this paper proposed the existence question , and the planning thought to its renovation .

  12. 西苑设于薄扶林道一端,周围建筑可数大学堂及明德村,贴近有医学院。

    High West located at one end of Pok Fu Lam Road , the surrounding buildings and could be a few big schools Tak Estate , close to a medical school .

  13. 提出宇文恺规划和营建东都洛阳城时,是在西苑引谷水和洛河入积翠池,经皇城前黄道渠入通济渠的。

    When Yuwen Kai designed and constructed Luoyang city , the Gu and Luo Rivers were introduced from Jicui pool at Xiyuan through Huangdao trench in front of the imperial city to Tongji trench .

  14. 文章最后对西安市环城西苑绿地景观设计作了实例分析,以期望研究理论在实践应用中得以实现。

    Finally , the thesis analyses on the landscape design of the living example " Huan Cheng Xiyuan Public Greenland " of Xi'an , expecting the fulfillment of the researched theory put forward in this thesis .

  15. 西安环城西苑周边城市用地类型丰富,使用者对不同类型的边缘空间的使用满意度不尽相同。

    Every boundary space has its own characteristic . 3 . The land type of the west park around the city in X I ' an is abundant , users have the different satisfactions with different types of boundary space .

  16. 中国中医研究院西苑医院等运用计算机图像处理技术,结合中医舌诊相关理论研制出中医舌诊专家系统,实现了舌诊的定量分析。

    Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy for TCM , cooperated with other units , on the basis of making use of computer image technology and combining TCM theory of tongue inspection , developed the expert system of tongue inspection of TCM and accomplished the quantitative analysis of tongue inspection .