
xī bù lián ménɡ
  • western conference
  1. 话虽如此,我们是西部联盟的顶部,所以我们有什么可担心的。

    Having said that , we are top of the Western Conference , so we having nothing to fear .

  2. 本赛季西部联盟将会面临着空前激烈的竞争,至少会有10支球队拥有冲击季后赛的实力。

    Such is the challenge of the Western Conference this season , with at least 10 legitimate postseason contenders .

  3. 宣传片预告即将到来的NBA总决赛,热火队和步行者队将角逐东部联盟决赛,马刺队和灰熊队角逐西部联盟决赛。

    The promo heralds the upcoming NBA Finals , which will feature the Heat or Pacers for the Eastern Conference and the Spurs or the Grizzlies for the West .

  4. 西部联盟电报公司十年前关闭了所有电报服务。

    Western Union closed its telegraphy service a decade ago .

  5. 我要来查看一下,可能他们给我西部联盟的帐号寄来一点钱。

    I 'm going to check maybe they sent some money for me to the Western Union .

  6. 布莱恩特也因为他的出色表现而荣获西部联盟“本周最佳球员”的称号。

    Bryant also won the " Player of the Week " title in the Western Conference for his excellent performances .

  7. 他们在对掘金和国王的背靠背比赛中横扫对手,又击败了爵士和湖人,这几个都是在西部联盟与火箭争夺季后赛名额的对手。

    They swept a road back-to-back in Denver and Sacramento and handled the Jazz and Lakers , both Western Conference playoff competitors .

  8. 地震将西部联盟电报公司的几栋建筑夷为平地,电话通讯也被切断,使该市的金融系统陷入停滞状态。

    The disaster leveled several Western Union buildings and cut off telephone communication , bringing the city 's financial system to a standstill .

  9. 西部联盟的竞争太强了,所以对于胡人队而言闯入西部四强将是一个艰难时刻。

    The west is so much stronger , so it will be a tough time for the Lakers to get to the conference semifinals .

  10. 虽然科比和加索尔众望所归代表西部联盟首发进入美国亚利桑那州的首都,但目前的湖人队仍有一些问题亟待解决。

    As the likes of Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol head into Arizona 's capital to represent the Western Conference , some questions need to be answered .

  11. 贝尔曾经向西部联盟,当时一个很著名的公司,提供他发明的专利,电话。

    Alexander Graham Bell offered to Western Union , a huge successful company at that time , the patent to the new found idea , the telephone .

  12. 东契奇在西部联盟的球迷投票中排名第二,仅次于勒布朗·詹姆斯,但在球员投票中排名第八,在媒体投票中排名第六。

    Doncic finished second in fan voting among Western Conference players , behind only Lebron James , but finished eighth in player voting and sixth In media voting .

  13. 也许一个健康的姚明能做与科比·布莱恩特和德克·诺维茨基争夺西部联盟霸权。

    Sure , it 's easy to dream about what might have been . Maybe a healthy Yao could battle Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki for Western Conference supremacy .

  14. 周四,湖人的七连胜突然被太阳终止了,同时也把他们从西部联盟老大位置上赶下来,即便如此,他们仍然是本赛季最大的惊讶之一。

    While the Lakers'seven-game winning streak was snapped by Phoenix on Thursday night , dropping them from the top spot in the Western Conference , they are still one of the season 's biggest surprises .

  15. 令他高兴的是,他的雇主西部联盟电报公司斥资40000美金购买了他所有的机器,这些钱足够他在新泽西州纽瓦克市的仓库里创业了。

    To his delight , Western Union , his employer , offered to purchase all of his machines for $ 40000 . This was enough to set up business in a Newark , New Jersey warehouse .

  16. 本文首先介绍了新的评鉴哲学体系下,西部高校联盟评鉴委员会(WASC)在高校评鉴过程中对证据开发和使用的原因。

    This article first addresses the development and use of evidence in the new accreditation processed by Western Association of Schools and Colleges in USA.

  17. 这个可能和由于西部大陆部落和联盟的停战有关。

    There might actually be something to the claims that the Horde and the Alliance are at truce in the west .