
  • 网络gauge transformation
  1. 一类具有规范变换的拟Hopf代数

    Some Quasi-Hopf Algebras with Gauge Transformation

  2. 静态规范变换和Berry相因数

    Static gauge transformation and berry 's phase

  3. 证明了GR在规范变换下的不变性,得到了约化的一个等价分类;

    It is proved that G_R is not changeable under the gauge trans for mations ;

  4. Toda链与离散的规范变换

    Toda lattice and discrete gauge transformation chain of Immunology

  5. 构造了含ChernSimons(CS)项的旋量电动力学的规范变换生成元。

    The generator of gauge transformation for spinor QED with Chern-Simons ( CS ) term has been constructed .

  6. 接着,采用幺正算符对系统进行规范变换,将Hamiltonian量变换成Cartan算子的函数;

    Secondly , we use a gauge transformation to change the Hamiltonian into a function of the Cartan operators of the dynamical Lie algebra ;

  7. 发现有效哈密顿算符与原哈密顿算符在形式上由一静态规范变换相关联。这两个哈密顿算符的量子态差Berry相位。

    We found that the effective Hamiltonian and original one are formally related with a static gauge transformation , the quantum states of the two Hamiltonians differ by a Berry phase .

  8. 然后引入Lax对之间的规范变换,由此导出这个新的耦合广义非线性Schrodinger方程的Darboux变换。

    Then a Darboux transformation for the coupled novel integrable generalization of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation is de-rived with the help of the gauge transformation between the Lax pair .

  9. 利用Kerr-Newman黑洞的质量M,电量Q,角动量J和它们各自的对偶量,πM,πQ,πJ,构成的六维相空间,通过规范变换,首先建立黑洞的简谐振子模型;

    Using the mass M , charge Q , angular momentum J and their corresponding π _M ,π _Q ,π _J of Kerr-Newman black hole , we obtain a six_dimensional space . We first establish the resonance model of black hole through criterion transforms .

  10. 本文利用规范变换,找出了与相关Toda链对应的离散谱问题的一个达布变换,进而给出了相关Toda链显式解的一种代数算法。

    A Darboux transformation of the discrete spectral problem associated with the relativistic Toda lattices is found with the help of gauge transformation , further , a kind of algebraic algorithm to obtain explicit solutions for the relativistic Toda lattices is given .

  11. 这个规范变换的物理起因还是个谜。

    The physical origin of the gauge transformation is a mystery .

  12. 规范变换,贝克隆变换与非线性叠加公式

    Gauge Transformation , Backlund Transformation and the Nonlinear Superposition Formula

  13. 经典和量子体系中的规范变换

    Gauge Transformation in both Classical System and Quantum System

  14. 作者对规范变换进行了较为系统的研究。

    A systematic study is made of regular transformation .

  15. 关于动态位错场张量势的规范变换

    On the gauge transformation of the tensor potentials for the field of moving dislocations

  16. 归纳证明的规范变换方法

    A Specification Transformation for Proof by Induction

  17. 规范变换和量子相位因子

    Gauge transformation and quantum phase factor

  18. 最后给出了一个含时规范变换的具体计算例子以及计算过程。

    At the end of this chapter a concrete calculation example of Gauge transformation is given .

  19. 关于规范变换及性质的研究

    A Study of Regular Transformation

  20. 麦克斯韦速度分布定律薛定谔方程的规范变换与麦克斯韦方程组

    Maxwell 's law of velocity disribution Schr ? dinger Equation ′ s Gauge Variance and Maxwell Equations

  21. 其实,对自由粒子做局域规范变换,粒子就已被自动置于场的相互作用之中了。

    As a matter of fact , free particle are automatically placed in the field interaction once local gauge transformation is made on them .

  22. 本文就规范变换,相对性原理与真空对称性破缺之间的关系进行了论述,并讨论了真空对称性破缺的机制。

    The paper dis cusses the relation of gauge transformation , relativity principle and symmetric destruction in vacuum and Prones the mechanism of symmetric destruction in vacuum .

  23. 用规范变换的方法,导出了位势依赖于能量的特征值问题的规范变换及相应的贝克隆变换。

    By using the method of the gauge transformation , this paper obtains the gauge transformation of Eigenvalue problems of energy dependent potentials and the Backlund transformation .

  24. 在经典电动力学的框架内,普遍自由选择涉及电磁势规范变换的任意规范条件。

    Within the framework of classical electrodynamics ( CED ) it is common practice to choose freely an arbitrary gauge condition with respect to a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic potentials .

  25. 运用相对论和规范变换等方法,系统讨论了经典电磁场理论的对称性,指出某些文献中方法与结论之错误。

    The symmetry of classical electromagnetic theory is discussed systematically by the methods of special relativity and guage transformations . And the wrong methods and conclusions made in some references are pointed out .

  26. 本文在归纳证明的规范变换方法的基础上.介绍从一般等式规范到有序类等式规范变换的实现技术.以及在有序类等式规范上的归纳定理的证明技术。

    In this paper the authors introduced the implemental techniques of transformation equational specification into order-sorted equational specification , the proof techniques of inductive theorems on the order-sorted equational specification based on specification transformation for proof by induction .

  27. 规范窗口Fourier变换的强反演公式

    Strong reconstruction formulas of the normalized windowed Fourier transformation

  28. 应用算子论与积分论方法,研究了L2-函数的规范窗口Fourier变换Twwinf的连续性与有界性。

    By using operator and integral theory , the continuity and boundedness of normalized windowed Fourier transformation T ~ ( win ) _wf are proved , a weak reconstruction formula is established .

  29. 通过对系统Hamiltonian进行一规范么正变换,并求解荧光场算符的运动方程,从而得出双光子共振荧光的频谱及强度分布。

    The spectrum and intensity distribution off two-photon resonance fluoresence is obtained by a canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian of the system and from the solution of the Heisenberg equations of fluoresence field operators .

  30. 弦理论中两种规范间的变换

    Gauge transformation in string theory