
shì wǎnɡ mó tuō lí
  • Retinal detachment;detachment of the retina
  1. IL-6在视网膜脱离及复位状态下的表达

    Change of IL-6 in detached and reattached retina

  2. 视网膜脱离病人视网膜下液及血清IL-6含量与T细胞亚群的关系

    The relationship among the levels of IL-6 in subretinal fluid , serum and T cell subspecies

  3. 出血性视网膜脱离后兔眼视网膜变化及凋亡相关基因bax在其中的表达

    Morphological changes and expression of apoptosis-related gene bax in retina in rabbits after hemorrhagic retinal detachment

  4. 视网膜脱离手术复位后ERG的恢复

    Recovery of the Patients ' ERG after Succeeding Operations for Retinal Detachment

  5. RPE细胞的增生和移行,使得增生组织长入玻璃体内,最终导致牵拉性视网膜脱离和失明。

    The proliferation and migration of RPE cell can ultimately lead to tractional retinal detachment and blindness .

  6. 方法对43倒孔源性视网膜脱离伴PVR患者手术前后分别行全视野暗视ERG检查。

    Methods 43 Patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with PVR were checked by Scotopic ERG .

  7. 探讨视网膜脱离(RD)后色素上皮(RPE)细胞的凋亡。

    Objective To analyze the apoptosis of retinal pigment epithelial ( RPE ) cells after retinal detachment ( RD ) .

  8. 结论:闭合式玻璃体切除术治疗眼外伤、PVR、视网膜脱离疗效满意,有重要的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion : Vitrectomy is effective for severe ocular injuries , PVR and complex retinal detachment .

  9. 目的观察高度近视患者巨大裂孔视网膜脱离(retinaldetachmentwithagianttear,RDWGT)的手术疗效。

    Objective To study the surgical effects of retinal detachment with a giant tear ( RDWGT ) in high myopia patients .

  10. 目的探讨LASIK术与视网膜脱离的相关性。

    Objective To explore the relation of LASIK to retinal detachment .

  11. 结果显示,在PVR视网膜脱离C期、巨大裂孔性视网膜脱离合并PVRC_2期以下改变以及黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离中,SF_6或硅油填充均有效高的复位率。

    Both gas and silicone oil groups showed higher attachment rates in stage C of PVR , giant tears with PVR less than stage C_2 and macular holes .

  12. 从外伤到视网膜脱离的间隔时间最短为1d,最长为22个月,以1~8周为常见(69.4%)。

    The interval from ocular contusion to retinal detachment was 1 day-22 months , the most common period is 1 week-8 weeks ( 69.4 % ) .

  13. 利用免疫组织化学方法检测视网膜脱离后不同时间视网膜中GFAP、GS的表达。

    Detection of immunoreactivity of Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein ( GFAP ) and Glutamine Synthetase ( GS ) following experimental retinal detachment using the method of immunohistochemistry .

  14. 眼底病是一种复杂的致盲率很高的眼部疾病,包括视网膜脱离、视网膜玻璃体出血和增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)等疾病。

    Eyeground diseases are serious complex diseases that usually lead to blindness including retinodialysis , retinal vitreous hemorrhage and PVR and so on .

  15. 视网膜脱离时神经生长因子对Mǖller细胞中间丝蛋白表达的影响

    Effect of nerve growth factor on the expression of intermediate filament proteins in M ü ller cells in experimental retinal detachment

  16. 方法采用532nm激光对视网膜脱离高危眼&高度近视眼行周边广泛视网膜激光光凝。

    Method Prophylactic retinal photocoagulation was performed in the high myopia eyes .

  17. 结果显示,视网膜脱离的成功率为936%(73/78眼)。脱离24h后,视网膜重新复位的成功率为971%(33/34眼)。

    Retinal detachment was successfully made in 93.6 % ( 73 / 78 ), and 97.1 % ( 33 / 34 ) of the detached retinas were successfully reattached .

  18. 泡性视网膜脱离的影像学诊断分析目的探讨眼底荧光素血管造影(FFA)及相干光断层成像(OCT)对泡性视网膜脱离的诊断价值。

    Diagnostic image analysis of bullous retinal detachment Objective To observe and study the characteristics of bullous retinal detachment with optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) scanning .

  19. 视网膜脱离后表达于Muller细胞、胶质细胞、血管内皮细胞及色素上皮细胞的胞浆。

    After experimental retinal detachment , Muller cells , glia cells , endothelial cells , RPE cells were labeled with IL-1 β antibody .

  20. 结论TTT是治疗伴或不伴有浆液性视网膜脱离的局限性脉络膜血管瘤的一种有效方法。

    Conclusions TTT can be considered as an efficient therapeutic option for circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas with or without serous retinal detachment .

  21. 目的:观察视网膜脱离(RetinalDetachment,RD)后视网膜的神经节细胞及微血管形态学变化,以探讨RD后视功能损伤机制。

    Purpose . To investigate the morphological changes of the ganglion cells and microvessels of retina in order to probe into the mechanisms of visual function damage after retinal detachment ( RD ) .

  22. 使用Humphrey视野分析仪研究20例(20眼)视网膜脱离术后的黄斑颜色明度敏感性(CBS)。

    N this study , Humphrey Field Analyzer ( 640 ) was used for measuring the 20 patients ( 20 eyes ) with retina reattachment .

  23. 在视网膜脱离区RPE细胞PCNA表达阳性,在伤后约7天达到高峰,而视网膜未脱离区RPE细胞PCNA则很少表达。

    PCNA was expressed in RPE in the retinal detachment ( RD ) area with the peak at about 7th day post-trauma , but not expressed in the retinal non-detachment area .

  24. 研究视网膜脱离后视网膜色素上皮细胞(RetinalPigmentEPithelium,RPE)的增殖情况。

    To study proliferation of the retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) after experimental retinal detachment , an antibody that recognizes the specific proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) in proliferating cells was used .

  25. 本文分析了单纯马蹄形裂孔性视网膜脱离手术失败的101眼,病例分为PVR组和无PVR组,两组病例对照比较。

    101 failure cases following surgery of retinal detachment with simple horseshoe tears were reviewed . The PVR group was compared with the group without PVR .

  26. 只要视网膜脱离存在,IL1β的表达将维持在较低的水平上。

    The level of IL-1 β in reattached retina was lower than that in detached retina .

  27. 目的探讨视网膜脱离(RD)患者眼底血流的变化,并对RD患者手术前、后的眼底血流对比分析,推测手术方式对视网膜血流的影响。

    Objective To evaluate blood flow of the fundus oculi in the patients with retinal detachment ( RD ) . The changes of blood flow parameter at post operation were compared with preoperation .

  28. 结论:1.此兔眼外伤性视网膜脱离模型容易制作,可用于研究PVR细胞性增生的启动机制。

    Conclusions : 1 . This traumatic rabbit retinal detachment model can be produced efficiently , and used to study mechanism of initial cellular proliferation in PVR .

  29. 结论∶分析老年视网膜脱离未治愈的原因除因严重的PVR或多次手术外,全身性疾病尤其是心血管疾病是影响患者预后的重要因素。

    Conclusion : The failure factors include severe PVR , multiple surgeries and systemic diseases , especially cardiovascular disesae , which is an important factor influencing the prognosis .

  30. 结论:视网膜脱离会导致RPE细胞上几种重要的粘附分子的表达增加,视网膜复位可以逆转这种变化。

    CONCLUSIONS RD can result in increased expression of several adhesion molecules known to be associated with cell proliferation and migration , and this change can be reversed by retinal reattachment .