
jiǎo luò
  • corner;nook;secluded place
角落 [jiǎo luò]
  • (1) [nook]∶相交两墙形成的内角

  • (2) [corner]∶僻远的地方

  1. 孩子们聚集在房间的角落里。

    The children clustered together in the corner of the room .

  2. 克莱尔和菲尔在角落里深谈。

    Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner .

  3. 他们走向远处那个角落的空桌子。

    They made for an empty table in the far corner .

  4. 角落里的那个男人引起了我的注意。

    My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner .

  5. 这孩子坐在屋子的角落里,一声不吭。

    The child sat mute in the corner of the room .

  6. 几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

    Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound .

  7. 他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。

    He cowered in the corner , gibbering with terror .

  8. 房间的角落里积满了灰尘。

    Dirt had collected in the corners of the room .

  9. 积有灰尘的角落挂着厚厚的蜘蛛网。

    Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners .

  10. 就把你的包丢在角落里吧。

    Just whack your bags in the corner .

  11. 烛光在角落里忽明忽暗地闪烁。

    The candles glimmered in the corner .

  12. 她蹲坐在一个角落里。

    She sat crouched in a corner .

  13. 她在角落里默默地生闷气。

    She seethed silently in the corner .

  14. 我们被藏匿到房间里一个隐蔽的角落。

    We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room

  15. 他们坐在一个角落里,远离其他进餐者。

    They sat in a corner , away from other diners .

  16. 舞台被挤到了场边的一个小角落里。

    The stage is squashed into a small corner of the field .

  17. 布鲁斯的办公室在角落里,实用而普通。

    Bruce 's office is a corner one , utilitarian and unglamorous .

  18. 他们坐在位于角落的一个雅座里,远离其他就餐的客人。

    They sat in a corner booth , away from other diners .

  19. 在内心深处的某个角落里埋藏着一颗爱心。

    Somewhere deep beneath the surface lay a caring character

  20. 他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里。

    He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage

  21. 做饭的香味可以传到家里的各个角落。

    Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house .

  22. 除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。

    Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places .

  23. 一个青年独自坐在角落里,轻轻地弹着吉他。

    In the corner , one youth sat alone , softly strumming a guitar

  24. 角落里那只未盖盖子的桶散发着臭味。

    The uncovered bucket in the corner stank .

  25. 坐在椅子上的她翻倒了,咔嚓一下摔在了角落里。

    She tipped over the chair and collapsed into the corner with a splintering crash

  26. 我们在一个小角落找了个位子,吃了点午饭。

    We found a seat in a little nook , and had some lunch .

  27. 每个角落都暗藏着疑虑和不安。

    Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty .

  28. 我躲在一个阴暗的角落里观察他。

    I watched him from a shadowy corner .

  29. 我在桌子中间穿行,来到后面的角落里。

    I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place

  30. 他将康恩逼进一个角落,用拳头暴打了他半分钟。

    He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds .