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  • solver
  1. 从这一点出发,将自己定位成一位问题解决者。

    From that point , position yourself as problem solver .

  2. 用快乐和智慧她成为了一名才华横溢的问题解决者。

    Her joy and intelligence make her a brilliant problem solver .

  3. 敏捷团队负责人(在Scrum中是ScrumMaster或迭代经理)是第一位的问题解决者。

    The Agile Team Lead ( in Scrum the Scrum Master , or Iteration Manager ) is the first line of issue resolution .

  4. 男人本意:Work'sbotheringyou?Letmehelp!工作让你感到困扰吗?让我来帮助你!事实上,在恋爱关系中,男人往往视他们自己为问题解决者,所以他表现得傲慢,实际上是他在试图帮助你。

    The truth is , men tend to see themselves as problem solvers in romantic relationships , and so what comes across as condescending can actually be your guy 's way of trying to help . "

  5. 消费者是有限理性的问题解决者,因此IDB实验被用于消费行为领域的研究。

    Since consumers are problem solvers with bounded rationality , IDB is fitted for the studies of consumer behavior .

  6. 生产商主要运作的是EOL(End-of-Life)产品逆向物流,并且承担最终解决者的角色。

    While manufacturers often see EOL ( End-of-Life ) products as their reverse logistics and act as the ultimate " resolver " .

  7. 而现代英语教育的目标在于培养自主性学习者和问题解决者。

    While contemporary English education aims at developing autonomous learners and problem-solvers .

  8. 我相信政府常常是问题的解决者,而不是问题。

    I believe government is often the solution , not always the problem .

  9. 我们-美国人民-我们才是问题的解决者,

    We the American people we are the solution .

  10. 皮特:我基本上的确算是个问题解决者了。

    PP : I 'm basically a problem solver .

  11. 另一个好的问题解决者的显着相似点是他们都是实用主义�

    Another striking similarity among good problem-solvers is that they 're all pragmatists .

  12. 那么,高管如何才能成长为冷静的问题解决者和现实的乐观主义者呢?

    So how do executives develop into a calm problem solver and realistic optimist ?

  13. 参观者通过与展品的情感互动,可认识到城市既是问题的制造者,也是问题的解决者。

    Visitors come to understand cities as a source of both problems and solutions .

  14. 意思是说这个体系可以把狗变成积极的问题解决者。

    This means the system creates a dog that actively tries to problem solve .

  15. 因此,做一个问题解决者,而不要做问题制造者。

    Be a problem-solver , not a problem-maker .

  16. 问题解决者、问题受折磨者。

    There are problem solvers and problem sufferers .

  17. 它们为问题解决者提供一个词汇表。

    They provide a vocabulary for problem-solvers .

  18. 布莱恩是一个天生的问题解决者,他理解复杂的问题,非常精通财务。

    Brian is a natural fixer who understands complex problems and he is very smart financially .

  19. 与银行追求高额利润和以问题解决者面貌出现的产品及金融服务创新;

    Combining PIP with banks ' high profit and products or service as " problem shooters ";

  20. 他们是问题解决者,改革者,也是和你和我一样的实实在在的人。

    They are problem solvers , revolutionaries and all real people , just like you or me .

  21. 虽然有时候有点天真,但“问题解决者”一定有能力解决问题的,扭转情况的。

    Though somewhat naive , the " positive ," or problem-solver will be able to transform situations .

  22. 作为家长和教育者,怎样帮助我们的孩子成为问题解决者呢?

    As parents and educators , how do we help to empower children to become healthy problem solvers ?

  23. 他理解市场运作的方式,在中国的体制内是一名攻关者和问题解决者。

    He understands the way markets work and he is a troubleshooter and problem-solver in the Chinese system .

  24. 问题提出在课程与教学上的最大作用是它能够促使学生成为更好的问题解决者。

    The main function of putting forward questions in curriculum and teaching was to make students solve problems better .

  25. 人既是网络道德问题的创造者,也是网络道德问题的解决者。

    Man , the trouble-maker of the network ethic problem , is also capable of solving the very problem .

  26. 而纠纷解决者则恰恰相反,呈现的是一种外现代内传统的特征。

    The dispute solvers have a contrast concept , presents a " modern outside and tradition inside " feature .

  27. 创业者是天生的问题解决者,这意味着我们的脑子里会蹦出各种新的商业创意。

    Entrepreneurs are natural problem-solvers , which means that we always have ideas for new businesses popping into our heads .

  28. 数学学困生是一个蹩脚的数学问题解决者,他们缺乏必要的元认知知识和技能。

    The students with learning disabilities are poor problem solver , they frequently lack the necessary metacognitive knowledge and skills .

  29. 建构主义强调学习者将自身经验带进学习过程、强调学习者作为积极的意义建构者和问题的解决者。

    Constructivism emphasizes the importance of what the learner brings to any learning situation as an active meaning-maker and problem-solver .

  30. 工程师是问题的解决者,运用知识和能力来发展及推动技术问题的解决方法。

    The engineer is a problem solver , using knowledge and ability to device or improve the solution to technological problems .