
jiě tào
  • unlock;get rid of a trap;get out of an awkward situation, esp. lift the hold-up in the stock market
  1. 其后三周内,投资者们纷纷“解套”,Adobe的股价猛跌了15%。

    Its stock plunged 15 % during the next three weeks as investors bailed out .

  2. 解套一只走一只,不要抱有太多的期望。

    Relieve one by one , do not have too many expectations .

  3. 整个国家系统最终会如何自我解套并且继续往未来前进?

    How did the system eventually " right " itself and move forward ?

  4. 他唯一解套的办法是辞职。

    His only recourse was to resign .

  5. 你不得不又把我解套。

    You have to unstrap me again .

  6. 那么,在市场高点买入的房子多久后才能解套?

    So how long till you get your head back above water on a house bought at the top of the market ?

  7. 前任国际货币基金总裁斯特劳斯.卡恩的性攻击案官司可能解套的报导,在法国政坛又造成骚动。

    Reports that a New York sexual assault case may be unraveling against former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has thrown French politics into turmoil .

  8. 习惯性并且阶段性的陷入思维上的僵局,自己有时候也不知道怎么解套,尤其是尝试了几种方法之后效果不佳,于是做下去的热情也开始消减。

    I always have troubles in some stages of designing and having tried several methods feeding back rather bad result , my passion on the mission is fading .

  9. 谈判双赢之道,在于双方冷静合理阐述分歧,对可能的解套方法不要迳予封杀。

    The way to reach a win-win solution in the negotiation room is for the conflicting parties to discuss their differences rationally and calmly , and try not to rip in the bud any possible propositions .