
  1. “中联与cifa是一家人,”詹纯新解释道。

    " Zoomlion and CIFA are a family , " Mr Zhan explains .

  2. 一位英语很好的同事选了(Zoomlion)这个名字,詹纯新说道。

    A colleague who is good at English picked the name [ Zoomlion ] , Mr Zhan says .

  3. 现在,詹纯新与cifa首席执行官费拉里的工作往来十分密切。

    Mr Zhan now works closely with Mr Ferrari , his counterpart at CIFA .

  4. 说汉语的詹纯新和说意大利语的毛里齐奥费拉里(maurizioferrari)发现,或许英语已经日益成为国际商务中的通用语言,但其中某些变幻莫测的特点也会造成语义混淆。

    English may increasingly be the lingua franca of international business , but some of its vagaries can cause confusion , as Mandarin speaker Zhan Chunxin and Italian speaker Maurizio Ferrari have discovered .

  5. 詹纯新是个好人,有着同样的思考方式。

    Mr Zhan is a good man who thinks the same way .

  6. 尽管两家公司如此不同,詹纯新和费拉里都坚定认为,他们有着同样的商业理念,而这些理念能够帮助他们构筑跨越语言鸿沟的桥梁。

    In spite of the companies ' differences , Mr Zhan and Mr Ferrari insist they have similar business philosophies and that these help bridge the linguistic divide .