
jǐng líng
  • alarm bell;call bell
警铃 [jǐng líng]
  • [call bell] 用于报警的电铃

警铃[jǐng líng]
  1. 另一名男子按响了警铃。

    The other man rang the alarm bell .

  2. 如果着火,就按警铃。

    In the event of fire , ring the alarm bell .

  3. 盗贼进去时,警铃作响。

    The alarm went off when the thieves went in .

  4. 士兵们一听到警铃就匆匆忙忙地穿上了衣服。

    The soldiers climbed into their uniforms at the sound of the warning bell .

  5. 编程接口可以完全解决这个问题,当一个API被破坏时警铃就会响起(通过测试)。

    Programmed interfaces can completely resolve this issue , since alarm bells can be rung ( via tests ) as soon as an API breakage occurs .

  6. 部分火电厂计算机控制系统中的自动报警系统在出现报警信息时发出单调的警铃或蜂鸣器声音报警,CRT画面上故障点闪亮。

    The automatic alarm system in some thermal power plants will send out monotone alarm ring or buzz with the fault points blinking on CRT screen in response to the alarm information .

  7. 兄弟,把警铃打开好吗?

    Hey , boss , can we put the sirens on ?

  8. 他们应该知道听到警铃或火警喇叭时要做些什么。

    They should know what to do when they hear it .

  9. 警铃响起,顾客纷纷从银行逃走。

    The customers fled from the bank when the alarm sounded .

  10. 若遇意外请按警铃。

    In case of emergency , please press the alarm button .

  11. 一阵非常吵的安全警铃马上响起来。

    A very loud security alarm immediately began to go off .

  12. 当窃贼绊到铁丝网,引起警铃大作。

    When the burglar tripped the wire it triggered an alarm .

  13. 听到警铃响,他从床上跳下来。

    He sprang out of bed when the alarm went off .

  14. 警铃响时,凯文从床上一跃而起。

    When the alarm went off , Kevin sprang out of bed .

  15. 这时,银行职员按响了警铃。

    At this moment , the bank clerk rang the alarm bell .

  16. 就是来装新火警警铃系统的那家伙。

    The guys who installed the new fire alarm system .

  17. 警铃大作,那就完了。

    The bells go off , this thing 's over .

  18. 遇火警时立即按警铃。

    In case of fire , ring the alarm bell .

  19. 顿警铃大响,漏水系统也启动了。

    Alarms went off and the sprinkler system turned on .

  20. 如果绊上肯定会引响房里的警铃。

    Falling over that would doubtless start alarm bells ringing in the house .

  21. 我们在那里的时候正好还碰上警铃响了呢。

    While we are there , the alarm rings .

  22. 闲态双音频警铃信号的精确检测

    Accurate Detection of Idle State Dual Tone Alerting Signals

  23. 警铃刚刚被触动了。

    The silent alarm has just been set off .

  24. 警铃安装的位置不合适。

    The position of alarm bells is not suitable .

  25. 当我的大脑听到我的关于生病的祈祷是,就响起了警铃。

    When my brain heard my pray about sick , it rang alarm .

  26. 如遇火警,即按警铃。

    in case of In case of fire , ring the alarm bell .

  27. 本杰明:我按了警铃。

    Benjamin : I pressed the emergency button !

  28. “警铃一响,每个人都在混乱中奔逃。”

    " When the alarm went off , everyone ran about in confusion . "

  29. 我们一定要在不触动警铃的状态下进入屋内。

    A : We have to get into the building without activating the alarm .

  30. 如果;假使:如遇火警,即按警铃。

    in case of sth In case of fire , ring the alarm bell .