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pì rú
  • for example;for instance;take for example;seem like;such as
譬如 [pì rú]
  • (1) [for example;such as]∶举个例子,打个比方;例如

  • (2) [seem like]∶比如,好比

  • 天下之势譬如一身。--宋. 苏轼《教战守策》

譬如[pì rú]
  1. 许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语,都有相似的词。

    There is a similar word in many languages , for example in French and Italian .

  2. 譬如祭坛石门中的落日,寂静的光辉平铺的一刻,地上的每一个坎坷都被映照得灿烂;

    For example , when the setting sun moves to the spot inside the stone arch of the altar , its rays spread across the ground and each rough spot on the ground is resplendent in the sunshine ;

  3. 一些简单的娱乐,譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步,就能使我们的心情更愉快。

    It is simple pleasures , such as a walk on a sunny day , which have a cumulative effect on our mood

  4. 故善用兵者,譬如率然。

    The skillful tactician may be likened to the shuai-jan.

  5. 譬如在园中最为落寞的时间,一群雨燕便出来高歌,把天地都叫喊得苍凉;

    or at the loneliest time in the park , a flock of swallows comes out and sings , their desolate song filling the space between heaven and earth ;

  6. 譬如,如果你把这个XML摘要注释加到你的代码里去的话

    For example , if you added this XML summary comment to your code

  7. 譬如说,什么样的态在x方向具有确定的动量值?

    What states have a definite momentum in the x-direction , say ?

  8. 譬如:在WINDOWS界面下,实现了力标准机的工作状态以及试验数据的实时显示。

    For example , the working state and test data are displayed real-time under the windows interface .

  9. 我们知道的有,譬如硬盘,就是一个存储器,RAM,being,the,one&,the,memory,当你运行一个程序时,可以把数据临时,存放在里面。

    We know that there 're hard disks RAM where things are stored temporarily when you 're running a program .

  10. 相对来说,MATLAB编程功能强大,内含很多先进的控制算法,譬如自整定模糊PID控制,如果将MATLAB中的智能算法与PLC结合起来,将会达到较好的控制输出。

    MATLAB is so powerful that it contains a lot of advanced control algorithms , such as the self-tuning fuzzy PID control .

  11. 而倘若约束C原则具有普遍性,就应该作用于英语之外的其它语言,譬如汉语。

    Given the universal property of Principle C , the effects of Principle C should also be found in other languages , for example , the Chinese language .

  12. 譬如,A银行担心,如果借钱给B银行,而B银行也许会一夜之间破产,那么A银行可能无法收回资金。

    Bank A , for example , worries that if it lends to Bank B it might go bust overnight , and then Bank A could lose its money .

  13. 譬如说马克‧扎克柏格(MarkZuckerberg),他就常穿连帽休闲服,而不是细条纹西服套装。

    Mark Zuckerberg , for example , often wears a hoodie , not a pinstripe suit .

  14. 映射绑定(譬如由Castor或Quick实现的映射绑定)比代码生成具有更大的灵活性。

    Mapped bindings ( such as those implemented by Castor or Quick ) offer more flexibility than code generation .

  15. 否则KidsRKids向谁推销譬如婴儿手语,“与朋友们趴着玩儿”这类课程呢?

    Otherwise who will Kids R Kids peddle classes in things like infant sign language and " lying on the belly with friends " to ?

  16. 譬如,波士顿郊外的巴布森学院(babsoncollege)开设了一门叫做可持续发展项目融资和评估的选修课。

    Babson College , just outside Boston , for example , offers an elective called financing and valuing sustainability .

  17. 日前,美国缅因州州立大学列出了一些用以确保蔬菜水果可安全食用的比较好的方法,并且他们还测试了我们市面上常见的一些蔬果洗涤剂,譬如Fit和ozone系列洗涤剂。

    The University of Maine lists the best way to keep raw fruits and vegetables safe , and tested commercial wash treatments such as Fit and ozone systems .

  18. 使用图表工具,譬如微软的Visio。

    Use a diagramming tool such as Microsoft Visio .

  19. 检查与您的硬件推销员所有BIOS更新,功能失效BIOS记忆选择譬如贮藏或遮蔽。

    Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates , Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing .

  20. 譬如,手机生产商索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)就于7月份在北京开设了一家研发中心。

    For example , Sony-Ericsson , the mobile handset maker , opened an R & D centre in Beijing this July .

  21. 许多工业反应过程都涉及到CO的催化氧化,譬如低温水煤气变换、燃料电池反应等,CO的催化氧化即是其基元反应之一。

    Many industrial reaction processes involves the catalytic oxidation of CO , such as low-temperature water-gas shift , fuel cell reaction , CO oxidation catalysts , which is one of its elementary reactions .

  22. 另外,即使开发人员使用譬如共享的unix服务器,每个开发人员使用他们自己的WebSphereApplicationServer进行测试也是可能的。

    In addition , even if developers work on , for example , a shared UNIX server , it is possible for individual developers to run their own instance of WebSphere Application Server for testing purposes .

  23. 还有一些其他的转义字符,譬如t,顾问界,财政界的,人们很喜欢用Excel文档,或类似于Excel的文本文件。

    But there 're others , backslash T.Folks in the consulting world and finance world like to share files in Excel format or in Text format that looks like Excel .

  24. 目前,在Internet上产生了许多新的应用,其中不少是高带宽的多媒体应用,譬如网络视频会议、网络音频/视频广播、多媒体远程教育、远程会诊。

    At present , many new applications in Internet come into being , among which the applications of upper bandwidth multimedia being the most , for example , Internet video meeting , Internet audio-video broadcasting , multimedia longdistance education , long-distance consultation .

  25. 因此,对于循环遍历标记列表中的单个级别,它已经足够了(除非我们正好寻找比特定标记产品级别低一级的级别,譬如“title”)。

    Therefore , it suffices to loop across a single level in the tag list ( except when we look exactly one level lower for the specific markup production , such as " title ") .

  26. 其它一些过滤器工具(譬如,SpamAssassin)可以随意地调用Razor。

    Razor is optionally called by a number of other filter tools , such as SpamAssassin .

  27. 实际上,DES的益处在高危患者中体现得更加明显,譬如罹患近期MI的患者、植入个支架的患者等。

    In fact , the benefit of DES was most pronounced in higher-risk patients , such as those who experienced recent MI and those who received multiple stents .

  28. 但是TOD理论还是成功的运用在世界很多先进国家与地区里面,譬如香港、新加坡等地区。

    But the TOD theory is successfully applied in many advanced countries and regions , such as Hongkong , Singapore and other regions .

  29. SWT具有您期望从现代库中获得的所有控件,譬如输入域、列表和按钮。

    SWT has all the controls you would expect from a modern library , such as entry fields , lists , and buttons .

  30. 那它为什么轰炸并占领格鲁吉亚的城市,譬如哥里(gori)?

    Why then did it bomb and occupy Georgian cities such as Gori ?
