
jì huà shēng yù
  • family planning;birth control;planned parent-hood
计划生育 [jì huà shēng yù]
  • [family planning;birth control;planned parent-hood] 通过有效的控制生育的方法而制订子女人数和生育间隔时间的计划工作

计划生育[jì huà shēng yù]
  1. 目标是将计划生育纳入社区生活中。

    The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life

  2. 由她分管计划生育工作。

    She is put in charge of the family planning affairs .

  3. 计划生育是中国的基本国策。

    Family planning remains a basic state policy for China .

  4. 计划生育是我国的一项基本国策。

    The family planning is one of the basic ( national ) policies of our country .

  5. 他们积极拥护计划生育政策。

    They are very aggressive in pursuing the policy of birth control .

  6. 计划生育工作放松不得。

    We should never loosen up on the rules for family planning .

  7. 计划生育好处多。

    Family planning has many advantages .

  8. 事实上,就至少一个目标而言,在世界上的某些地方我们已经取得了巨大的进步——实施计划生育政策以及相应地向小型家庭过渡。

    Indeed , we have made substantial progress in some parts of the world on at least one of these —— the distribution of family-planning services and the associated shift to smaller families .

  9. 当地的计划生育诊所

    the local family planning clinic

  10. 要建立健全计划生育特殊家庭全方位帮扶保障制度。

    The nation will establish and improve various policies for such families under the family planning policy .

  11. 计划生育门诊每天需要照看数百个病人,而且职员们没有接受过关于HIV阳性方面的特殊培训。

    Family planning clinics often process hundreds of patients in a day and the staff receive little or no special training on advising HIV-positive clients .

  12. 方法:对某医院妇科门诊接受计划生育服务的育龄妇女非选择性地进行BV筛检。

    Methods : An unselected screening for BV was conducted among women at childbearing age in two hospitals in Chengde city .

  13. 作为中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目的子课题,为促进云南省牟定县计划生育优质服务项目的开展,本研究针对牟定县计划生育系统应用了调查反馈(SurveyFeedback)方法。

    As a part of the Pilot Project on Quality of Care in Family Planning in Mid-West China , this research intends to push forward the project initiated in Mouding County , Yunnan Province through application of Survey Feedback in the Mouding family planning system .

  14. 目的:通过分析比较FR和ML两种宫内节育器使用五年临床效果及其影响因素和宫内节育器对妇女健康状况的影响,为计划生育工作提供理论依据和实践指导。

    OBJECTIVES : From the analyze and comparing two different types of IUD of the 5-year clinic effect and its affection factors and the affection to women 's health , afford theory and practice base to control reproduction .

  15. 原名计划生育协会的fpa组织发言人丽贝卡芬德利也认为,性活动不可能取决于单一因素。

    And Rebecca Findlay , of the FPA , formerly the family planning association , agreed that sexual behaviour " could not be put down to one factor alone " .

  16. 结论:应用管理流行病学可以描述计划生育服务的服务对象特征、提供服务的机构和人员特征以及分析与IUD放置失败相关的因素。

    Conclusion : Management epidemiology is a useful tool in describing the characteristics of family planning services clients , service providers and staff , as well as the associated factors analysis of the failure of the IUD .

  17. 方法:按照国际计划生育基金会体外杀精试验改良法,测定N9、茶皂素及其混合液对家兔精子20s、3min的最低杀精浓度。

    Methods : According to the improved spermicidal test method in vitro recommended by International Planned Parenthood Foundation ( IPPF ), we evaluated the minimum spermicidal concentration of N-9 , tea saponin and their mixed solution in 20 s and 3 min.

  18. 湖南省计划生育的人口、经济效益研究

    On Population and Economic Benefit of Family Planning in Hunan Province

  19. 农村社区计划生育自治理论探讨

    A Study of the Self governed Family Planning in Rural Community

  20. 计划生育村民自治若干问题探讨

    Going Further Into Several Problems of FP - Autonomy by Villagers

  21. 计划生育服务机构医疗废弃物处理的调查研究

    A Study on Medical Waste Treatment in Family Planning Service Organizations

  22. 生殖道感染干预工程对计划生育服务人员影响的比较研究

    Impact of Reproductive Tract Infections Intervening Project on Family Planning Staff

  23. 它不但可为司法机关解决相关案件提供有力证据,还可开展为计划生育工作提供法律依据。

    It provides strong evidence for the judiciary and family planning .

  24. 问:马赛族的人们如何看待计划生育?

    Q : How do the Maasai people view family planning ?

  25. 扬州市计划生育相关弱势群体的研究分析。

    The research of disadvantaged groups of family planning about Yangzhou .

  26. 1985-1991年,是计划生育规范化与制度化时期。

    From 1985-1991 , family planning was standardized and systemized .

  27. 我国计划生育村民自治研究

    Research of Villagers ' Self-government of Family Planning in China

  28. 加强计划生育技术服务机构能力建设的调查

    Investigation of the Capability of Family Planning Institutions to Provide Technical Services

  29. 关于计划生育技术的伦理论争与思考

    On the Ethical Contest and Pondering of Family Planning Technology

  30. 政策执行机构将从计划生育委员会改革为人口政策委员会;

    The administrative organization from family planning committee to population policy committee ;