
rèn zhī jié ɡòu
  • cognitive structure;knowledge structure
  1. 社会Agent认知结构的研究

    Research on the Social Agent Cognitive Structure

  2. 地域刻板印象(regionalstereotype)是一种涉及知觉者的关于某个地区人群群体的知识、观念与预期的认知结构。

    Regional Stereotype is a cognitive structure concerns about the knowledge , attitude and anticipation toward the people who lived in a certain region .

  3. 主要讨论在CAI如何利用认知结构、视觉规律和听觉规律来设计文本、处理图像和声音。

    Mainly discuss how to use cognitive construction , the rules of visual sense and the sense of hearing to project manuscript , dispose picture and sound .

  4. 结果显示,该人群MMSE均数的99%可信区间为24.3849&25.2487,在认知结构中.计算力和记忆力容易发生缺损。

    The results showed that the 99 % confidence interval of mean of MMSE in the investigated population was 24 . 3849-25 . 2487 and ability of calculate and memory was liable to be damaged in the cognitive structure .

  5. 主要算法包括:基于AOV网拓扑的知识点编列算法、网络课程结构定义算法、基于知识点认知结构的知识单元内容制作算法、知识单元到XML文档绑定算法、基于AOV序列分段的课程编列算法等。

    The algorithms include : the AOV network based knowledge points sequencing algorithm , network course structure definition algorithm , knowledge points cognitive structure based knowledge unit learning contents authoring algorithm , knowledge unit binding to XML algorithm and the AOV segment based courses sequencing algorithm .

  6. 最终构建了品牌选择认知结构模型的扩展模型(MKPⅠ模型)。3、构建消费者品牌选择认知过程模型,解释消费者品牌选择认知过程中的动态学习现象。

    Eventually build an expansion model ( MKP I Model ) of brand choice cognitive structure model . 3 、 Building consumer brand choice cognitive processes model and explaining the dynamic learning phenomenon of brand choice cognitive processes .

  7. 美国学者杜宾斯基(E.Dubinsky)提出的APOS理论,是以建构主义为基础的数学学习理论,其核心是引导学生以社会线索为主线学习数学知识,分析数学问题情境,从而建构他们的数学认知结构。

    APOS theory was proposed by American scholar E. Dubinsky , which is based on Constructivism mathematics learning theory , its core is to guide the students in social cues in the learning of mathematical knowledge , mathematical problem situation , in order to construct their own mathematical thought .

  8. 布鲁纳的认知结构论在电工实习中的运用探讨

    Approach Application of J.S.Bruner 's Educational Psychology Theory in Electrician Practicing

  9. 普通物理实验教学在重建认知结构中的特殊作用

    Special functions of general physics experiments in rebuilding the cognition structure

  10. 心理认知结构与性质多面体重心坐标系

    Cognitive structure of psychology and barycentric coordinates system of property polyhedron

  11. 智力参与对建构数学认知结构的影响及其对策

    Effect of Intelligent Involvement on Construction of Math Cognitive Structure Countermeasure

  12. 民族认知结构研究的心理学取向

    The Psychological Orientation of the Study on the Ethnic Cognitive Structure

  13. 基于认知结构的图书馆联盟内知识转移研究

    Research on Knowledge Transfer within Library Alliance Based on Cognitive Structure

  14. 数学思想方法在数学认知结构中的作用

    The function of mathematics method of thinking in mathematics cognitive structure

  15. 试论学习迁移与数学认知结构关系

    On the Relationship between Transference of Learning and Mathematical Cognitive Structure

  16. 用生态学思想研究地理认知结构;

    To study the student geo-cognitive structure based on the ecological theory ;

  17. 数学认知结构的特征与数学学习过程研究

    Characters of Mathematics Cognition Structure and Researching to Process of Mathematics Study

  18. 认知结构对英语教学迁移之影响

    A comment on cognition structures influence transfers in English teaching

  19. 李白五绝的话语模式与认知结构

    The Discourse Patterns and Cognitive Structures of Li Bai 's Five-syllable Quatrains

  20. 共同的认知结构,奠定了相似的基础。

    The common cognitive structure has laid the similar foundation .

  21. 数学知识结构与数学认知结构是两个既有区别又有联系的概念。

    Mathematics cognition structures and knowledge structures are different but connected somehow .

  22. 俄汉民族时间隐喻认知结构模式研究

    A Comparative Study on Time Metaphor in Chinese and Russian

  23. 用建构主义思想促进学生认知结构的发展&从中学化学实验一个具体操作谈起

    Accelerating the Students ' Development of Cognition with the Theory of Constructionism

  24. 自我既是认知结构也是社会结构。

    Self is cognitive structure and social structure as well .

  25. 数学知识获取的认知结构与思维模式

    Cognitive Con struction and Thought Module of Mathematical Knowledge Acquisition

  26. 构建认知结构中知识组织的教学策略

    Teaching Strategies of Knowledge-organizing in Constructing Students ' Cognitive Structure

  27. 加强定理教学完善认知结构

    Strengthening the Theorem Teaching , Perfecting the Cognitive Structure

  28. 认知结构的形成和变化是认知能力发展的实质。

    The formation and change of cognitive is the essence of cognitive development .

  29. 4&14岁儿童比例推理及认知结构的发展研究

    A study on the development of proportional reasoning and cognitive structure in children

  30. 数学教改要立足于认知结构的构建

    Base Math Teaching Reform upon Reconstruction of Cognitive Structure