
rèn ɡòu quán zhènɡ
  • call (or share, stock, subscription) warrant
  1. 相关资产价格上升,认购权证价格亦会上升。

    As the underlying price increases , the value of a call warrant should increase .

  2. 认购权证定价模型的实证研究。

    Empirically study the call warrant pricing model .

  3. 吉利汽车上周三表示,计划发售可转换债券和认购权证,但并没有透露GoldmanSachsCapitalPartners是投资方。

    Geely said Wednesday that it planned to issue convertible bonds and warrants without naming Goldman Sachs Capital Partners as the buyer .

  4. 均价型重设认购权证的定价与避险研究

    A Study of Pricing Model and Hedging Strategy of Average-style Reset Call Options

  5. 模糊调适性遗传程序规划在认购权证评价模式之应用

    Study of Warrants Pricing Based on Fuzzy Genetic Programming

  6. 即,认购权证的价格发现和融资两方面功能。

    The function includes price discovery and financing .

  7. 检验的结果发现无论标的股票收益率服从什么样的分布,具有什么样的特征,认购权证的发行对标的股票的价格波动都不会产生显著性的影响。

    Results showed that regardless of the underlying stock yield series subject to any distributions , warrants listing did not produce significant effects to the underlying stock price fluctuations .

  8. 我们发现少数认购权证和大部分认沽权证与标的股票价格、股票市场指数存在异常联动关系。

    We find a small number of call warrants and a large proportion of put warrants behave eccentrically in interaction with the underlying stocks as well as the stock market indices .

  9. 第2章深入分析了已有的权证定价模型的构建背景及权证避险的动态与静态策略,为构建均价型重设认购权证模型提供了理论准备;

    In the second section , we analyze the constructing background of the pricing model and the dynamic strategy and static strategy , which provide the theory for constructing average-style reset call options .

  10. 据这位知情人士透露,高盛旗下这只基金正投资购买吉利汽车的可转换债券和认购权证,从而将获得吉利汽车的少数股权。

    The Goldman Sachs fund is investing in convertible bonds and warrants that will give it a minority stake in the Chinese auto maker , according to the person familiar with the matter .

  11. 但由于股市整体上涨趋势等客观原因,其盈余管理最终未能阻止认购权证的行权,股权遭到了稀释。

    Due to the big bull market , HDIS fail to keep the price lower than the threshold , and investors exercise the warrants , as a result , the control right has been diluted .

  12. 文章综述了认股权证的发行对标的股票股价影响的理论及国外的实证研究结果,并用中国市场的数据对认购权证进行了实证分析,认为中国市场很可能存在与国外相似的情况。

    In addition , it analyzes the date of the call warrants of the market in China , the results suggests that the situation of the market of China may be similar to the markets abroad .

  13. 第3章构建了均价型重设认购权证模型,在比较各种定价模型的基础上,采用二叉树模型对其定价,并进行理论价值与实际价值分析;

    In the third section , we construct an average-style reset call option and price it with binomial tree model after comparing every kind of pricing models , then analyze its theory value and practice value .

  14. 2005年8月,为了配合股权分置改革的深入发展,部分上市公司免费派发给流通股东认购权证或者是认沽权证,或者是两种联袂派发(蝶式权证)。

    In August 2005 , in line with the share reform in depth , the companies distributed free of charge to current shareholders of warrants or put warrants , or both jointly distributed ( butterfly warrants ) .

  15. 在无风险利率、指数连续股利率、指数瞬时波动率为时间t的非随机函数的情形下,以鞅论和随机分析为数学工具得到了重设型牛市认购权证的定价公式。

    Under condition that the interest rate of the riskless asset , the volatility rate and the dividend rate of stock index are nonrandom functions of time , the pricing formula of bull market reset call warrants is obtained by using Martingale and stochastic analysis methods .

  16. 标的资产市价高(低)于执行价格的认购(售)权证,为价内权证。

    The property market price of mark is high ( low ) the subscribe at implementing the price ( carry out ) authority card , to card counterpoises inside valence .

  17. 而出让人公司须随即将受让人公司登记为该等股份的持有人;但当其时未行使认购权的认股权证关于的股份,则不需要转让文书。

    And the transferor company shall thereupon register the transferee company as the holder of those shares ; but no instrument of transfer shall be required for any share for which a share warrant is for the time being outstanding .