- 名signal;radio signal

[signal] 通过电磁波发出的信号
This book can help a signal processing-based scholars start GPS , GPS introduced a complete architecture and software algorithms .
The obtained formulas can be used for calculating the signal current characteristics , which are required for design the y corrector of the T.
Much as bats do , robots send out ultrasonic signals .
Pay attention to the signs of love around you , because you know that life has an end .
We propose in this thesis a string-to-signal transform technique which can transform a DNA sequence into multi-channel signals .
Without considering gaps , the similar score between two DNA sequences can be calculated as the sum of absolute difference between their corresponding signals .
In this paper the relationships between small-signal h-parameters and elements of the natural equivalent circuit of the common emitter configuration of junction transistors are studied .
It is proved experimentally that a nonlinear frequence modulation ( N FM ) signal can be generated by N FM SAW dispersive delay line ( DL ) .
Calculation and Analysis of Small-Signal Microwave Network Parameters of GaAs FETs
Dock ( with AV output , but no AV cable for $ 40 )
A new method , based on the matrix signal flow graph theory , for formulating the Hybrid parameter matrix of Linear N-port network is presented in this paper .
For example , location-based services that map out businesses close to where the cell tower or built-in global positioning system ( GPS ) determined you are .
Ultrasonic wedge bonding is one of the most important interconnection techniques for IC dies inner circuits with the outer world for the power and signal transportation .
Make sure the monitor is turned ON and properly connected to the graphic port .
Managing Timing Signals in 2.5G and 10G Line Card Designs
Strange Baryon and the Signal of QGP Formation in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
This paper is designed based on USB2.0 interface RS485 signal emulator .
Results show that the heat flux anomalous mode in the T and R areas in the preceding spring is a presage for the summer rain anomaly in the mid-and low-reaches of Yangtze River .
Signals from pumps ' built in thermal contacts and moisture sensors are also connected to the PLC . If problem of overheating or leakage is found , the pump will be stopped automatically .
Zune Home A / V Pack ( $ 100-dock , remote , AV cables , extra battery , sync cable , adapter )
Mainly introduces the manufacture of the EN anemography data processing meter simulation signal generator , including its constitution , electricity schematic diagram and concrete primary device ;
Steady State Behaviour and Modulation Response of a Raman Nath Acousto Optic Bistable System
PubMed abstract : Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) is an enhancement of synaptic strength that can be produced by pairing of presynaptic activity with postsynaptic depolarization .
HASI will make similar measurements using radar signals .
Design and Test for Model CK-1C Telemetry Signal Changer or Matcher
Now , it was as if our culture had been shining an Eric Cartman-shaped Bat-signal and " South Park " answered .
C. signals at four different frequencies in a Q meter , the author has measured C ~ ( - 2 ) - V curves of Si epitaxial chips for TTL and some linear integrated circuits .
It is the first time in literature that the PPC signal was proved in vivo in this study to be originated from friction between the articular surfaces of the patellofemoral joint .
Another proof of S.J.Mason gain equation in signal flow graphs
The signal of 5 × 10-9 M. DPPH may be observed on the oscillograph . The ratio of signal to noise is 2:1 . The operation frequency is 9690 Mc , / s.