
jì xù
  • narrate
记叙 [jì xù]
  • [narrate] 记述

  • 记叙文

记叙[jì xù]
  1. 记叙文讲述的是发生在当前或过去事情的经过。

    To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening .

  2. 文章记叙了他的先进事迹。

    The article tells about his exemplary deeds .

  3. 他谱写英雄短歌并着手编写不少记叙巫术和骑士历险的故事。

    He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure .

  4. 采用问卷调查的方法,考察学校三类群体(初中生、大学生、教师)的阅读信念(readingbelief)对记叙文意义建构的影响。

    Questionnaires were used to study the effects of reading belief of three groups ( junior middle school students , undergraduates , teachers ) on the meaning construction in narrative texts .

  5. 本文利用中国英语学习者口语语料库(SECCL),研究记叙文语篇结构和时体使用的关系。

    This study investigated the relationship between narrative structure and tense-aspect forms based on the spoken English corpus of Chinese learners ( SECCL ) .

  6. 第五部分主要记叙了《圣贤高士传赞》对后世的影响。

    The fifth part is about the impact on future generations .

  7. 蛮族习气和宗教的胜利时代的真实记叙&都尔主教格雷戈里《法兰克人史》的文学分析

    On Gregory of Tours ' The History of the Franks

  8. 采用移动窗口技术,让被试阅读16篇含有目标信息的记叙文。

    The subjects read 16 passages with the goal information .

  9. 构成理论关于推论与记叙文篇章理解的研究

    A study of the constructionist theory on inference and narrative textual comprehension

  10. 因果关系是记叙文中最重要的组成关系。

    Causal relations are the most important properties of a narrative text .

  11. 下面一段就是例子计划的简单记叙文。

    The following paragraph is a sample narrative for the example plan .

  12. 讲授长篇记叙写作的高级课程。

    An advanced course in the writing of extended narrative .

  13. 功能文体学在大学英语记叙文写作中的应用

    The application of functional stylistics into the composition of narration

  14. 中国泥盆纪和二叠纪锥石类新材料记叙

    New materials of Devonian and Permian CONULARIIDS from China

  15. 记叙文局部连贯与整体连贯信息整合的实验研究

    Research on Information Integration of Local Coherence and Globe Coherence in Narrative Comprehension

  16. 挪用公款罪的主体;非记叙文的篇章主题解读研究

    Analysis on the Subject of Non - Narrative Text

  17. 我们的作业之一是写一篇记叙文。

    One of our assignments was to do a descriptive piece of writing .

  18. 他记叙了一个靠自己努力成功的人的故事。

    He chronicled the story of a self-made man .

  19. 本文运用情景模型理论来分析记叙文的翻译。

    This thesis applies the theory of situation models to the translation of narratives .

  20. “福音书”记叙耶稣生平、为人和学说。

    The Gospels tell of the life , person , and teachings of Jesus .

  21. 记叙文阅读教学的层级处理

    To Deal with the Arrangement of Ideas of Reading Teaching in the Narrative Writing

  22. 而真实意义上的传说必须是记述传统,而不仅仅是个人的记叙。

    The true legend must be a traditional rather than just a personal narrative .

  23. 传记是一种记叙文。

    A biography is a form of narration .

  24. 非文学记叙文体的阅读

    On the Reading of Non - literature Narration

  25. 听障学生记叙文阅读理解中插图效应的实验研究

    The Experimental Study about Illustration Effect of Narratives on Reading Comprehension of Deaf Students

  26. 趣闻轶事是他记叙文刺激的要素。

    Anecdotes are the salt of his narrative .

  27. 语域理论对英语记叙文中人物刻画的制约

    The Constraints of Register Theory to Narrative Characterization

  28. 取消了时间就意味着取消了记叙文。

    It means no narration to cancel time .

  29. 本文为记叙文,通过一个故事说明成语“杯弓蛇影”的来历。

    This story turned out to be the idiom " Bei Gong She Ying " .

  30. 通过阐述计算机FoxBASE+语言功能在路政管理中的适用,记叙了FoxBASE+在路政管理中应用的可行性

    The paper discuss feasibility of applying Foxbase in road management through the application of Foxbase