
jì mínɡ zhènɡ quàn
  • Registered securities;inscribed security
  1. 另外规定对货币和无记名证券及带有人身性质或感情价值的财物,均不适用善意取得,原权利人不得享有回复请求权。

    In addition , for currency and unregistered securities and personal property or emotional value with the goods are not applicable to Bona Fide Acquisition , and the former obligee cannot reply to the requirements .

  2. 债权让与制度的变革出现了两极分化趋势,一方面,受法锁的影响,侧重保护债务人;另一方面,受不记名证券的影响,片面强调交易的效率。

    The system of cession change appeared polarization trend , on the one hand , by the " lock " effect , emphasize the protection of the debtor ; on the other hand , the bearer securities influence , one-sided emphasis on the transaction efficiency .

  3. 虚拟财产在性质上是一种类似于无记名有价证券的虚拟债权凭证,具有证权一体性和无因性。

    Virtual property is a virtual documents of obligation similar to bearer securities .