
xú kě xié yì
  • license agreement
  1. 在创建特性时,您可以选择在Information选项卡下面提供许可协议。

    When you created your feature you had the option of providing a license agreement under the Information tab .

  2. 单击Next接受许可协议,让安装向导进入下一个屏幕。

    Follow the installation wizard by clicking Next and accepting the license agreement .

  3. 接受许可协议中的条款,然后单击Next。

    Accept the terms in the license agreements , then click Next .

  4. 点击Next,并接受服务器许可协议。

    Click Next , and accept the license server agreement .

  5. 接受许可协议并单击Next。

    Accept the license agreement and click Next .

  6. 此加速器在非商业的SharedSource许可协议下发布。

    Accelerator is released under a non-commercial Shared Source license agreement .

  7. 选择Accept接受软件许可协议并单击Next。

    Select Accept to accept the Software License Agreement and click Next .

  8. 好!您已决定接受windows许可协议。

    Great ! You decided to accept the windows license agreement .

  9. 阅读并接受许可协议,单击Next,然后单击Finish。

    Read and accept the license agreement and click Next and then click Finish .

  10. 在出现提示时输入YES,阅读许可协议并选择接受。

    Enter YES when you are prompted to read the license agreement and accept it .

  11. 接下来,用户必须统一IBM许可协议。

    Next , the user must agree to the IBM license agreement .

  12. 选择这个特性,接受许可协议,然后点击Finish。

    Select the feature , accept the license agreement , and then click Finish .

  13. 为了成功地完成安装,对于每个许可协议都单击Accept。

    In order to complete the install successfully , click Accept for each license agreement .

  14. 如果许可协议是可接受的,选择Iagree单选按钮并单击Next按钮。

    If the license agreement is acceptable , select the I agree radio button and click the Next button .

  15. 接受许可协议之后,Eclipse安装这个插件。

    After you agree to the license , Eclipse installs the plug-in .

  16. 阅读许可协议,如果您接受许可条款,单击Accept单选按钮,然后单击Next。

    Read the license , click the Accept radio button if you accept the licensing terms , and click Next .

  17. 在出现许可协议消息时,按Return;现在应该会看到一个新的登录shell提示。

    When the license message appears , click Return ; you should now see a new login shell prompt .

  18. 选择Iagree接受许可协议条款并开始下载更新。

    Select I agree if you agree to the terms and conditions and download the updates .

  19. 选择Iagree并单击Submit阅读并接受许可协议。

    Read and accept the license agreement by selecting I agree and click Submit .

  20. 在使用VIOServer前,您必须接受许可协议。

    Before using the VIO Server , you must accept the license .

  21. 点击Accept接受许可协议,同时接受默认的安装文件夹。

    ClickAccept to accept the license agreement , and also accept the default installation folder on the next screen .

  22. 接受许可协议条款,并单击Finish,完成插件软件的安装。

    Accept the terms of the license agreement , and click Finish to complete the installation of the plugin software .

  23. 单击Next之后,将看到阅读许可协议并选择是否接受的提示,然后继续开始实际安装。

    After you click Next , you 're prompted to read license agreements and agree to them or disagree , then to proceed with the actual installation .

  24. 要安装adam,您必须接受此最终用户许可协议。

    To install adam , you must accept the end-user license agreement .

  25. 在Information项上,您可以更改特性(例如特性描述,版权,许可协议和访问的更多网站)的总体信息。

    On the Information tab , you can change the overall information of the feature ( such as the feature description , the copyright , the license agreement and additional websites to visit ) .

  26. 著作权保护的另一种选择&浅析CC许可协议

    Another Choice for the Protection of Copyright : Research on Creative Commons Agreements

  27. 运行安装程序,在Windows提示时确认您信任该应用程序,接受Snort许可协议。

    Run the installer , confirm to Windows that you trust the application , and accept the Snort license agreement .

  28. 有关全面完整的描述,请参考Informix许可协议。

    For a full and complete description , refer to the Informix licensing agreements .

  29. 许可协议中的知识产权滥用及其规制&由DVD事件引发的法律思考

    Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights in Contractual License and Its Regulation & Legal views from DVD Conflicts

  30. 它的发行遵循GNU通用公共许可协议,可以运行于Linux以及其他一些Unix变体操作系统上。

    It is distributed under the GNU General Public License and runs on Linux as well as other UNIX variants .