
  1. 然而,这会对利润率造成影响,因为在一个地区拓展业务需要加大在基础设施和广告方面的投入。

    But that has an impact on margins , as building up in a region requires more investment on infrastructure and advertising .

  2. 其次是总结了城市区域内铁路沿线景观的构成要素,对绿化、建筑、车站、附属设施、广告等方面的景观要素进行设计方法的研究,列举实例来说明具有一定代表性的景观要素设计方法。

    Second is a summary of the elements of urban areas railway landscape , research on the green landscape , building , railway stations , ancillary facilities , advertising and other aspects of landscape design elements .

  3. 该公司财务状况和经营的基础设施上的广告空间的自行车,自行车共享计划,以换取自己在上站的广告牌。

    The company finances the infrastructure and operates the bike sharing scheme , in exchange for advertising space on the bikes themselves and on billboards at the stations .

  4. 某媒体集团是业界处于领先地位的户外多种媒体管理商,拥有多元化的广告牌、街道设施及交通工具广告服务。

    Some media corporation is the leading provider of outdoor multi-media management , with diverse services of billboards , public facilities and transportation advertising .