
shè jì rén
  • designer;creator;schemer
  1. WilliamIlliamMorris(壁纸设计人而非汽车制造商)认为任何东西都不是是没有用或者是不美的。

    William Illiam Morris ( the wallpaper designer , rather than the carmaker ) suggested that nothing should have a place that is not known to be useful or believed to be beautiful .

  2. 专利权的所有权单位或者持有单位应当对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人给予奖励。

    The entity owning or holding the patent right on a job-related invention-creation shall reward the inventor or designer .

  3. 目的设计人doc1蛋白的B细胞连续性抗原表位。

    Objective To design the B-cell continuous antigenic peptide of doc-1 protein .

  4. 设计人抗体轻链κ、λ和重链Fd基因的引物进行聚合酶链反应(PCR),扩增轻链和重链Fd段基因。

    Gene of light chain and Fd fragment genes of heavy chain of the immunoglobulin were amplified by PCR using primers for κ,λ and Fd .

  5. 过去的一些传单设计人是B6,所有最近的传单都是阎龙设计。

    Some past flyers were designed by B6 , all recent flyers are designed by Yanlong .

  6. (二)发明人、设计人资格纠纷;

    Any dispute over the qualification of the inventor or creator ;

  7. 全国有色人种协进会加拿大设计人协进会

    National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People Canadian Institute of Planners

  8. 第六章对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人的奖励和报酬

    Chapter VI Reward and Remuneration of Inventors or Creators of Service Inventions-Creations

  9. 欢迎每一位设计人继续关注我们的项目。

    We welcome all the designers to continue their interest in the project .

  10. 那个舞蹈演员是舞蹈设计人的执行者。

    The dancer is the choreographer 's executant .

  11. 国际计量经济模式研究设计人小组

    International Research Group of Econometric Model Builders

  12. 第十七条发明人或者设计人有在专利文件中写明自己是发明人或者设计人的权利。

    Article l7.The inventor or creator has the right to be named as such in the patent document .

  13. 同时,《决定》还提高了对职务发明人、设计人的法定奖励数额。

    At the same time , the Decision also raises the statutory incentives standard for service inventors and designers .

  14. 非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人;

    For a non-service invention-creation , the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator .

  15. 来自美国俄勒冈的艾莉森.史密斯是该楼盘的方案设计人,她说该楼盘的销售“创造了历史记录”。

    The homes " sold out in record time , " says Oregon-based designer Allison Smith , who helped create the settlement .

  16. 这正是工业设计人的动力和目标,也是工业设计学科蓬勃发展的源泉。

    This is the very motive and goal of industral designers , from which industrial design can experience a promising development in the future .

  17. 选择好类型之后,设计人应该修改对系统数字电路的要求,以适应所选之逻辑电路参数。

    After the selection is made , the designer modifies his system digital circuit requirements to match the characteristics of the selected logic family .

  18. 克隆的目的和目标是,从复制那些已经衰落的动物到更好地设计人和动物的后代。

    The goals and purposes for cloning range from making copies of those that have deceased to better engineering the offspring in humans and animals .

  19. 借鉴不同学科不同领域的知识,结合实际情况,以达到设计人文化的目的。

    Draw lessons from the knowledge of different fields of different disciplines ; combine the actual conditions , in order to the purpose to achieve designer 's culture .

  20. 第十二条专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作出创造性贡献的人。

    Rule 12 " Inventor " or " creator " referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to the substantive features of an invention-creation .

  21. 发给发明人或者设计人的奖金,企业可以计入成本,事业单位可以从事业费中列支。

    For the money prize awarded to the inventor or creator , the enterprise may have it included into its production cost , and the institution may have it disbursed out of its operating expenses .

  22. 发包人委托设计人配合引进项目的设计任务,从询价、对外谈判、国内外技术考察直至建成投产的各个阶段,应吸收承担有关设计任务的设计人员参加。

    4The employer entrusted the designer to cooperate with the engineering work of imported project and design personnel undertaking relevant design assignment shall be included in all stages from enquiry , business negotiation , domestic and overseas technical inspection until the production period .

  23. 职务发明所占的比重偏低;法律规定重奖酬支付标准,轻奖酬支付程序;单位重奖励轻报酬;职务发明报酬计算难;过分依赖单位与发明人或设计人之间的约定。

    At present the proportion of on the low side ; the law award reward payment standard , light compensation payment procedure ; excitation light compensation unit award ; Duty Invention remuneration calculation difficult ; over-reliance on the unit and the inventor or designer agreement .

  24. 职务发明的强弱之所以能成为一国发明创新能力的体现,关键在于职务发明制度是平衡单位和发明人、设计人利益的保障,是优化社会智力资源分配的重要手段。

    The strength of the service invention has been able to become the embodiment of the invention and innovation capacity of a country lies in service invention system can balance the enterprise and the staff , can optimize the allocation of resources of social intelligence .

  25. 介绍了建筑工程缺陷判断标准的确立及缺陷责任的归责原则,指出勘察设计人及施工人所应当承担的缺陷责任,以及业主的缺陷通知义务。

    By establishing norms for the judgement of defects in engineering projects and principles of related liability distribution , this paper puts forward some practical suggestions relating to the distribution of responsibility for defects among the designer and contractor and sets forth the proprietor 's defect-notification obligations .

  26. 专利是知识产权的客体之一,其实质是国家主管机关依法授予发明人或设计人对其创造性智力成果的一种专有权利。传统观念中,技术标准与专利几乎没有关联。

    Patent , as one of the objects of intellectual property right , is an exclusive right granted to inventors or designers by concerning state authorities legally . Traditionally , there is rarely any relationship between technology standard and patent which is exclusive , regional and of timeliness .

  27. 机器人可按程序设计模仿人的各种动作。

    The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements .

  28. Axiom是使用自定义A编程语言来编写的,对于有意探索算法设计的人来说是值得的工具。

    Written in the custom A # programming language , Axiom is a worthy tool for those inclined to explore algorithmic designs .

  29. 我知道自己缺乏正规训练,因此有些紧张,但没想到设计负责人乔治哈格里夫斯(georgehargreaves)似乎很欣赏我这种非常规的方式。

    I was nervous and conscious of my lack of formal training but actually George Hargreaves , the design leader , seemed to appreciate my unconventional approach .

  30. 计算机辅助设计提高人NMDA受体主亚基M3-M4环在E.coli中的表达

    Computor-aided design to raise the expression level of the M3-M4 loop in the essential subunit of human NMDA receptor in E.coli