
  • 网络Organization
  1. 概要地介绍了VHDL的设计组织和数据类型,并对VHDL的特点及其在VLSI设计中的应用要点做了一些探讨。

    The VHDL design organization and data types are described . Applications of VHDL to VLSI design are discussed .

  2. 文中分别对EPC项目的设计组织及设计控制进行了分析,阐述了招投标阶段和实施阶段对设计进行进度、成本、质量控制的关键点。

    The thesis analyzes the main design organization planning and design control of EPC projects , also discusses the key points of schedule control , cost control and quality control on project design during bid phase and execution phase .

  3. 利用CT扫描资料构建基于图像分析设计组织工程支架;

    Tissue-engineered scaffold materials are designed on the basis of CT scanning data and image analysis ;

  4. 以ASP、PowerBuilder为开发工具,设计组织胚胎学网上读片考试软件系统。

    With ASP Powerbuilder as the developing tools , an on-line reading teat software of histoembryology has been designed .

  5. 方法:在计算机中利用3DMAX软件设计组织工程带瓣静脉支架模型,然后转换为快速成型系统兼容的STL格式文件,最后利用快速成型系统制作出来。

    Methods : The tissue engineering vein scaffold with valve was designed by 3D MAX software , then it was transferred into the STL file that could be used for compatible rapid prototyping system before the scaffold model was accomplished .

  6. 用均匀设计组织试验,SAS统计软件分析处理数据,探讨其它添加剂对TBP和TPP在菜籽油中摩擦学性能的影响。

    The uniformed design of experiment is used and the SAS of software was adopted to analyze the result in order to discuss that other additives affect the tribological behaviors of TBP and TPP in the rapeseed oil .

  7. 动态联盟协同设计组织模型与系统结构

    Organization Model and System Architecture of Collaborative Design in Dynamic Alliance

  8. 制造企业协同设计组织方式的研究

    Research on Organization Mode of Collaborative Design in Manufacturing Corporation

  9. 通过设计组织空间是当今时代的需要。

    Designing organized spaces is a need of modern times .

  10. 介绍营销,选择和设计组织发展活动。

    To introduce approaches to marketing , selecting , and designing OD interventions .

  11. 航空发动机设计组织的知识管理

    Knowledge Management for Aircraft Engine Design Organization

  12. 较高的方案创作水平和较强的项目设计组织协调能力;

    The high level of scheme creation and a strong ability for organization and coordination of projects ;

  13. 分析了并行工程的特征和组织需求,提出了面向并行工程的产品设计组织模型。

    The paper analyzes the characteristics and organizing requirement of concurrent engineering , and advances an organizing model for concurrent product design .

  14. 身份验证和授权说明如何设计组织结构和访问控制(特权)数据存储/访问模式。

    Authentication and authorization introduce how to design the organizational structure and access control ( privileges ) data storage / access patterns .

  15. 本文介绍日本多摩新城第15住区的开发思路、设计组织模式和设计理念。该住区的实例对中国当前的住宅开发具有参考价值。

    This article introduces the 15th Residential Area of Tama New Town in Japan , focusing on its development ideology , model of project organization and design concept .

  16. 如何根据化学新教材中的探究活动栏目设计组织教学就成为新课程实施中亟待解决的问题。

    How to design and organize the teaching according to the investigating activity columns of chemistry new material becomes the urgent problems in the implement of the new curriculum .

  17. 负责按施工组织设计组织施工,及时、准确掌握工程质量动态,加强施工过程自管、自控、自检管理。

    To organize the construction , grasp the quality situation of the engineering timely and accurately , and consolidate the self-management , self-control and self-inspection in the construction process .

  18. 研究分别从教材目标、设计组织、语言内容、语言技能、话题、文化、以及学习方法各方面作了分析评价。

    The analyses are carried out from the aspects of aims , design and organization , language content , skills , topics , cultural knowledge as well as learning methods .

  19. 近年来,国内外众多企业都在实施业务流程再造。业务流程再造是通过重新设计组织经营的流程,以使流程的增值最大化、成本最小化,从而获得绩效改善的跃进。

    In recent years , a lot of domestic and foreign enterprises are implementing business process reengineering ( BPR ) in order to maximize the appreciation of the process , minimize the cost , and greatly improve their performance .

  20. 在公共组织的构建中,必须重视其核心要素政策的自利性倾向。公共组织构建必须首先考虑组织功能,然后才能设计组织结构;

    In the construction of public organization , emphasis must be laid on the self benefiting tendency of its core element - " policy " and first consideration should be given to " organization function " before the organization structure is designed .

  21. 在案例和实证的基础上论文最终充分论证了沟通是设计组织走向成功的手段,拥有有效的沟通体系和完善的沟通思路才会产生出优秀的设计作品。

    By the cases and the practice , the paper prove that communication is the best way of the design organization to the success finally . The designers do not produce the excellent works unless they own the effective communication system and perfect communication ideas .

  22. 本文通过生态建筑设计组织建筑储能技术应用,不仅可以提高建筑运行能耗效率,还能利用太阳能光伏电池、风力发电等高级建筑储能技术存储可再生自然能源。

    In this paper , use the ecological architecture design to organization building energy storage applications . Not only improve the efficiency of energy consumption , but also store renewable natural energy with advanced energy storage technology such as solar photovoltaic cells , wind power and so on .

  23. 分析过程中演示使用组织表现模型,借此来说明人力资源工作者可以利用模型为企业把脉,并且在设计组织、建设组织和创建文化方面为企业出谋划策,最终帮助企业实现业务目标。

    By the demonstration of using Organization Performance Model , indicate that HR practitioners can use the Organization Performance Model as an analysis tool to diagnose the organization , so as to help corporations achieve business goals by designing the organization , building the organization and developing the culture .

  24. 用省综法设计绉组织上机图CAD的再实践

    Again Practice of CAD Looming Draft for Crepe Weave with the Method of Heald-economized Design

  25. 在应用逻辑层中各功能模块的设计、组织逻辑和对WebServices的调用方法;

    In the Application Logical Layer , how to establish and organize each function module and the method of calling the Web Services ;

  26. 为了确保我们测试了所有的需求,我们在设计和组织我们的功能测试时使用RationalRobot和RationalTestManager。

    To ensure we . d test all requirements thoroughly , we used Rational Robot and Rational TestManager in designing and organizing our function tests .

  27. TAP模式强调学校应以发展性辅导为主,在心理辅导教师指导下充分发挥普通任课教师在心理辅导工作中的作用,通过精心设计与组织心理辅导计划,为全体学生提供系统的心理辅导服务。

    It emphasizes that developmental guidance involves all school personnel and is for all students by developing a well organized , planned and systematic guidance program .

  28. 根据国家标准,设计、组织和实施了耐火材料在CAS系统微晶玻璃中的静态侵蚀实验。

    According to the national standard , the refractory erosion experiment in static condition has been designed , organized and put into effect .

  29. 本文主要介绍用微程序设计方式组织和设计FFT处理器,从而获得可编程FFT处理器。

    This paper mainly introduces how to apply method of micro pro-gram design into FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) processor to obtain a progra-mable FFT processor .

  30. 尤其是针对比较薄弱的业务流程方面,使用UC矩阵、流程图等工具建立了完整和规范的流程体系,并且完成了相关的技术规范制订、数据库设计和组织结构和人员安排的规划。

    Especially a framework of workflow is built using UC matrix and flow chart . And related technique criterion , database and personnel arrangement are also schemed .