
zhènɡ quàn shānɡ
  • Securities firms;securities dealer;stockbroker;dealer in securities
  1. 由此产生了投资者与证券商法律关系界定问题,我国理论界对此问题意见不一。

    Based on that , there is a problem that how to classify the legal relationship between securities dealer and the investor .

  2. 保荐人(Sponsor),是专门从事保荐行为的证券商。

    Sponsor is the security dealers specialized in sponsor activities .

  3. 证券商行为规范及法律责任探讨

    A Discussion of the Securities Dealers ′ Behavior and Legal Liability

  4. 中国证券商的业务竞争与创新发展势态

    The Tendency of Business Competition and Innovation of Chinese Brokerage Firms

  5. 综合性证券商信息隔离制度研究

    A Study of the Information Seperation System in the Multiservice Securities Firm

  6. 世界自动防护证券商协会。

    NASDAQ-National Association of Securities Dealers ´ Automated Quotation System .

  7. 代理资金管理&我国证券商的一项新业务

    Manage of Act as Fand ── A New Business of Our Securities Dealers

  8. 证券商的法律规制之研究

    Study on The Legal Control of Securities Dealers

  9. 先洽其他证券商承作附条件买卖,再依前款规定处理。

    Disposing of the bonds obtained by the securities firm in the original purchase .

  10. 第五章证券商的内部控制制度。

    In the last chapter , the inner-control system of securities dealers was studied .

  11. 但证券商得修改申报利率;

    Notwithstanding the foregoing , a securities firm may revise the quoted interest rate ;

  12. 处分该证券商相对卖出之所得款项。

    Disposing of the proceeds obtained by the securities firm from the original sale .

  13. 略论证券商电脑系统的规划和设计

    Elaboration on the Stock 's Computer System Design

  14. 完善中国证券商自律管理制度的思考

    Analysis on China Stock Broker Self-discipline Management

  15. 证券商的信息披露制度是证券市场的一个重要的制度建设。

    Broker-dealer 's full information disclosure to investors is an important component of security market .

  16. 第二章证券商市场准入的法律控制。

    In chapter two , the author studies the market admission control of securities dealers .

  17. 此次收购将是美国最大的存款银行与世界上最大的证券商的合并。

    The deal combines the largest U.S. bank by deposits with the world 's largest brokerage .

  18. 为有效控管作业风险,证券商可采适当之风险量化技术进行控管。

    Securities firms may adopt a quantitative method to manage and control operational risk management effectively .

  19. 但证券商如采用隐名方式报价者,本中心将只对外揭示其报价资讯。

    Nevertheless , where a securities firm provides quotes anonymously , the GTSM will disclose only the quotation information .

  20. 买卖申报为确定报价者,经其他证券商确认成交后即行成交。

    When a firm quote is provided , the trade will be executed upon its confirmation by another securities firm .

  21. 如果你的帐户余额低於证券商的担保维持率,你的券商有合法权利,在不通知的状态下卖出你的股票。

    If your account falls below the maintenance margin requirement , your securities can be sold without a margin call .

  22. 预测上市公司的未来收益是投资者、证券商、债权人和管理层所关注的问题。

    Forecasting of listed companies ' future earnings is an important issue for investors , stockbrokers , creditors and administrators .

  23. 那斯达克总裁凯契姆说,新标准现将送交全国证券商协会审议。

    Nasdaq President Ketchum said that the new standards would be submitted to the National Association of Securities Dealers for discussion .

  24. 证券商作为证券市场上重要的主体之一,以其在证券市场上中介和桥梁的地位,发挥着连接投资者和筹资者的枢纽作用。

    It is a key link to standardize securities dealers ′ behavior in the chain of maintaining and developing the securities market .

  25. 入世后,我国证券商的发展将面临国外证券商的竞争压力和挑战。

    After joining the WTO , China 's development of stockjobbers will confront with the competitive pressures and challenges from the foreign stockjobbers .

  26. 也可延伸为从事某项欧洲信贷或欧洲债券发行的银团或证券商集团。

    By extension , can also refer to a group of banks or securities firms who are involved in a Eurocredit or Eurobond issue .

  27. 分配予一般投资者的债券价格以认可证券商以竞价投标方式成功投得债券的平均接受价而厘定。

    The nip notes will be allocated to them at the average accepted price of the successful bids of the recognised dealers in the competitive tender .

  28. 伯南克回答说,美联储并不是解救贝尔斯登公司。3月中旬,濒临破产的大投资银行和证券商贝尔斯登在美联储的协助下被廉价卖给了摩根大通银行。

    Bernanke replied that the Federal Reserve did not bail out Bear Stearns , the large investment bank and brokerage rescued from near bankruptcy in mid-March .

  29. 第三章研究了操纵行为民事责任主体。分别分析了个人、证券商、上市公司、证券专业服务机构承担民事责任的情形。

    Chapter 3 focused on the cases under which , individual , securities company , listed corporation , securities professional service institution should take the civil liability .

  30. 违约证券商对本中心协调处理相关款项、债券之价格及方式不得拒绝或提出异议。

    The defaulting securities firm may not reject or raise objection to the price for and manner in which the GTSM coordinates handling of the relevant money or bonds .