
cí diǎn xué
  • lexicography
词典学[cí diǎn xué]
  1. 这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门儿。

    This book fills a major gap in lexicography .

  2. 本文基于汉语词典学界和中文信息处理界重词轻语的现象,对词组研究、熟语研究进行了反思,提出熟语单位(IdiomUnit,IU)的概念。

    Based on the phenomenon of emphasizing " words " but neglecting " idioms " in lexicography and Chinese information processing , this paper reflects upon the research of phrases and idioms , and puts forward the concept of Idiom Unit ( IU ) .

  3. 怎样才能将形态学的研究纳入认知词典学?

    How can morphology research be incorporated into a cognitive lexicography ?

  4. 第三章分析了现代英语词典学中的描写性主流趋势。

    Chapter Three illustrates the descriptive trend in modern English lexicography .

  5. 教学词典学是词典学的一个重要分支。

    Teaching lexicography is an important branch of lexicography .

  6. 词典学界非常重视双语词典编纂学的理论研究。

    The dictionary educational world extremely takes the bilingual dictionary compiling study theory research .

  7. 现代英语词典学应当以描写主义为指导原则,但同时不应忽视规定主义的重要作用。

    However , the importance of prescriptivism cannot be ignored in modem English lexicography .

  8. 词典学是辞书学的一个分支学科,词典学是研究词典编纂的科学。

    Lexicology , a science on dictionary compilation , is a branch of lexicography .

  9. 词典学的新视角&语义模块理论

    New View on Lexicology & Semantic Module Theory

  10. 隐喻&认知词典学的眼睛

    Metaphor , the Eye of Cognitive Lexicography

  11. 第2章和第3章介绍词典学、教学词典学的一般理论。

    The chapters 2 and 3 introduced the general theories about lexicography and learning lexicography .

  12. 然而,词典学界已经越来越关注语言变体的语法差异了。

    Nevertheless , Lexicography is increasingly paying attention to the grammatical differences between BrE and AmE .

  13. 词典学主要探讨词典的本质、特性、类型以及功能等。

    Lexicography mainly goes around the nature , property , typology , and function of the dictionary .

  14. 从词典学的角度上讲,多义性是义项划分和义项排列的核心问题;

    From the point of view of lexicography , polysemy ist he core problem of sense division and arrangement .

  15. 迈出了以词典学理论和对外汉语教学理论共同指导编纂积极型汉俄教学词典的第一步。

    Our research initiated the primary step in compiling active encoding dictionaries based on the combination of lexicography and TCSL theory .

  16. 语义韵律问题,是90年代以来国外语言学界尤其是词汇语义学、词典学研究比较重视的一个新课题。

    Semantic Prosody is a new field in the foreign linguistics circles , especially in lexical semantics and lexicology since the 1990 's.

  17. 当代词典学与认知科学的结合使得以编者为中心的词典本体论研究方法逐渐动摇,词典学家开始对词典用户、词典的使用过程展开研究。

    Modern Lexicography notable feature is the combination of cognitive science , scientists began to research dictionary user and dictionary use during a study .

  18. 第三章讨论了语言学领域中与词典学相关的理论以及促进词典学发展的理论。

    Chapter three tells the useful studies in the field of linguistics which related to lexicography and promoted much to the development of lexicography .

  19. 本研究的发现对翻译、外语教学以及双语词典学都有一定的启示意义。

    The results of the present study are expected to shed light on translation , foreign language pedagogy , as well as bilingual lexicography .

  20. 在很长一段的时间内,词典学被当作语言学的一个分支,因为那时的词典研究主要采取语言学的视角。

    For a long time , lexicography had been regarded as a branch of linguistics , as it dealt with the dictionary research only from the linguistic perspective .

  21. 双语词典学与翻译学是两门不同的学科,但他们都涉及到了两种语言之间的转换,所以这两者之间是有可能相互借鉴的。

    Bilingual lexicography and translation are two different disciplines . The fact that both of them work with two languages implies the possibility that they can benefit each other .

  22. 从梳理和评介过程中探析20世纪戏曲词典学史研究的价值和意义。

    Some of the dictionaries are carried out in details , Therefore , to explore the significance of studying the20th century 's drama dictionary history from illustration and analysis .

  23. 语词定义作为语词释义的重要组成部分,不仅是词汇语义学、词典学的研究对象,也是逻辑学研究的对象。

    The nominal definition is a important part to the explanation of the word and phrase which is studied not only by lexical semantic and lexicography but also by logic .

  24. 深入研究《说文解字》的释义方式及释义规律,对于我们继承我国传统文化的宝贵遗产,加深对训诂学、词汇学以及词典学的研究等方面都有十分重要的意义。

    Further study and research of the interpretation methods and principles is significant to the succession of our traditional cultural heritage of Critical Interpretation of Ancient Texts , Lexicology , and Lexicography .

  25. 本论文致力于应用词典学的建设,着眼于电子词典的使用研究,初步设计开发出了一个电子词典使用信息捕获系统。

    This paper is devoted to the construction of applied lexicography research . From the standpoint of electronic dictionary use research , the author developed in this paper an electronic dictionary user activity monitoring system .

  26. 此外,通过仔细观察语料库数据,在意义上的完全对应也是存在的。本论文对英语教学、翻译教学、词典学和机器翻译均有启示意义。

    But careful observation of corpus data reveals that full correspondence in meanings does exist . ? The present study has potentially useful implications for English learning and teaching , translation learning and teaching , lexicography and machine translation .

  27. 同时,也希望它能够对教学词典学以及为将来的英语学习词典编纂做出一定的贡献,为使用者能更快速、便捷、有效的检索到所需要的语用信息服务。

    It is expected that it may contribute to the theoretical pedagogical lexicography and improve the ELDs compilation in the future . At the same time , it can serve the users more conveniently , more rapidly and more effectively .

  28. 作为一门独立的学科,词典学必定有其内在的体系和性质,也必然会表现出它的新的特点,其主要体现为:多学科综合、视野开放以及实践取向等。

    As an independent discipline , lexicography must have its inner system and characters , and it is certain for lexicography to show its new properties , which are mainly characterized by its multidisciplinary integration , open perspective , and practice-oriented tendency .

  29. 因此,本文主要立足于现代汉语实际,同时借鉴词汇语义学、词典学的研究成果,以图完善传统逻辑的定义理论,使其在具体学科上更好地起到工具学科的作用。

    In order to better the traditional definition theory so that it can play a more important role on the concrete course as a tool , the dissertation bases the study on modern Chinese , use the achievement of the lexical semantics and lexicography for reference .

  30. 本研究运用理论词典学的研究框架,结合语义学、语用学等相关研究成果,探讨意义的客观性,释义的本质以及不同类型的词典的释义理论等问题。

    The present study , focusing on frame of theoretic lexicography , employs related research on semantics , pragmatics and the like . Purposes of the study cover a discussion on the objectivity of meaning , essence of definition and theories concerning various types of dictionaries .