
ɡuǐ biàn shù
  • sophistry
诡辩术 [guǐ biàn shù]
  • [sophistry;fallacy;sophism] 模棱两可或似是而非的推理;对原则的错误运用,特指对法律道德原则的错误运用

  1. 中国先秦与古希腊诡辩术之比较

    Contrast between sophistry in ancient Greece and that in the pre-Qin days in China

  2. 本文从幽默中最常见的诡辩术入手,举例分析说明了诡辩运用于幽默的广泛性和不可替代性。

    This paper proceeds with most common sophistry in humor , and takes some examples to analyze that quibbling applies to humor comprehensively and unsubstitutably .

  3. 诡辩的诡辩家或诡辩术的或与之有关的开始时他那种竭力想诡辩的劲头不知那里去了。

    Of or relating to casuists or casuistry . The fight he had tried to fake had gone out of him .