
shuō shìr
  • see also 说事
  1. Twitter的公司估值高达数十亿美元,但是收益却相对较少,因此那些认为硅谷再度出现了泡沫的人往往拿爱Twitter来说事儿。

    With a multi-billion-dollar valuation and relatively small revenues , Twitter is exhibit a for those who believe Silicon Valley is experiencing another bubble .

  2. 但光拿宏观经济指标说事儿就靠谱吗?

    But is it right to focus exclusively on macroeconomic indicators ?

  3. 艾弗雷特为人高傲自负,很喜欢拿自己门萨国际会员身份说事儿,老是觉得别人都是蠢蛋。

    Dutschke was vainglorious , bragging incessantly about his Mensa membership .

  4. 比利在对质时默不出声,似乎在说事儿是他干的。

    Billy 's silence when confronted seemed to indicate he was guilty .

  5. 你不该拿别人的孩子说事儿。

    You don 't go aftersomeone 's children .

  6. 这个问题已染上了政治色彩,中国指责美国信奉贸易保护论的政客拿质量控制说事儿,试图抑制中国的进口。

    The issue has become politicised , with China accusing protectionist politicians in the US of using quality control to try to curb Chinese imports .

  7. 那个时候,中国股市行情十分被看好,但今天,如果你问同样的问题,有的人会拿全球经济说事儿&在经历重挫后,全球经济仍旧步履艰难。

    The stock market was at its most bullish back then , but if you ask the same question now , some would cite a global economy still reeling from a recession .