
zhū shēnɡ
  • successful candidate in the lowest level of the civil-service examination;a student called a scholar who went to school in the Ming Dynasty;all the students
诸生 [zhū shēng]
  • [a student called a scholar who went to school in the Ming Dy- nasty] 明代称考取秀才入学的生员为诸生

  • 诸生学于太学。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • 诸生许用德。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  1. 略论明清易代之际弃诸生现象

    On the Phenomenon of " Abandoning Zhusheng " in the Early Qing Dynasty

  2. 以清代陈澧《引书法示端溪书院诸生》为例,阐述了引文应按规范,即杜绝抄袭,当引雅书,注明篇卷,核对引文,标出创获及尊重前人。

    Some citation norms are expounded , such as avoiding plagiarism , citing professional books , annotating volume and chapter , checking citations , highlighting transcends and respecting predecessors .

  3. 北朝时期教学活动中的受教育者可以统称为诸生,既包括在官学之中求学之人也包括在私学之中求学之人。

    The educated person of the educational activities in Northern Dynasties collectively referred to as All Students , which contains the students in the Official School and Private School .