
nuò yà fāng zhōu
  • Noah's ark
诺亚方舟[nuò yà fāng zhōu]
  1. 人类历史就始于在此,诺亚方舟!

    Human history started right here in noah 's ark !

  2. 诺亚方舟动物园农场在教育人们时说,科学家只是用“相信”来解释达尔文的进化论。

    Among the teachings of Noah 's Ark Zoo Farm is that scientists use " faith " to explain Darwinian evolution .

  3. 对于那些想获得更新奇更奢华体验的客户,这家公司也在德国冷战时期的军火库中建立了VivosEuropaOne,其宣传语为“现代的诺亚方舟”。

    For clients looking for something further afield and more luxurious , the company also offers Vivos Europa One , billed as a " modern day Noah 's Ark " in a former Cold War-era munitions storage facility in Germany .

  4. 这不是阿拉伯国家首次因宗教原因禁播好莱坞影片:今年春天,达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基(DarrenAronofsky)的《诺亚方舟》(Noah)在七个国家遭禁;1998年,动画片《埃及王子》(ThePrinceofEgypt)在埃及遭禁。

    It 's not the first time Arab countries have banned Hollywood films because of religion : Darren Aronofsky 's " Noah " was barred in several countries in the spring , and the animated movie " The Prince of Egypt " was forbidden in Egypt in 1998 .

  5. 经营中餐馆已经成为海外华人的支柱产业,被成为海外华人的诺亚方舟1。

    Running Chinese restaurant becomes a pillar industry for overseas Chinese .

  6. 此后,他们在那里发现了诺亚方舟。

    After that , they found noah 's ark there .

  7. 文化:倾斜的诺亚方舟&浪漫主义文化功能观批判及矫正

    Criticism and Correction of Romanticist View on Culture Function

  8. 压榨机只是根方木杆发明于诺亚方舟时代;

    The press was just a lever beam , invented in the Ark ;

  9. 在诺亚方舟上。有人答道。

    " On Noah 's Ark ," said somebody .

  10. 但是提里对这些事情的观点来自诺亚方舟。

    But aunt tilly 's views on these things came out of the ark .

  11. 北京有一只诺亚方舟

    A " Noah 's Ark " in Beijing

  12. 片中有12门徒,有诺亚方舟。

    There are those 12 apostles , and there 's a Noah 's ark .

  13. 冷冻诺亚方舟拯救稀有物种

    Frozen Ark to Save Rare Species

  14. 江苏的一个商铺已经卖出了2500张火车和诺亚方舟的票,每张3元。

    One store in Jiangsu has sold 2,500 train and ark tickets at 3 RMB each .

  15. 寻找诺亚方舟&从“出走”看曹禺早期剧作的哲学意蕴

    Seeking " The Noah Ark " & eloping 's philosophical signification in Cao Yu 's early scripts

  16. 发明者安全无损走出了诺亚方舟,但下巴上受了一点割伤。

    The inventor himself came out in one piece , but with a cut on his chin .

  17. 设计者称,该诺亚方舟酒店应用了太阳能、以及雨水自动采集等新能源手段,在能源供应上完全实现“自己供能”状态,无需外界的电力支持。

    The design uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water .

  18. 亲爱的上帝:此时我需要考虑诺亚方舟吗?我们能谈谈吗?

    Dear God : Do I need to be thinking ark at this point ? Can we talk ?

  19. 据官方称它叫亚特兰蒂斯号,不过每个人都把它叫作现代的诺亚方舟。

    Officially , its called the Atlantis , but everyone has started calling it a modern-day Noahs Arc .

  20. 还有一家商铺在一个月间卖出了1700张中国诺亚方舟船票,每张2元。

    Another one sold 1,700 Chinese Noah 's Ark passes in a month , at 2 RMB each .

  21. 如果你拥有最后一张诺亚方舟的船票,你将把票给谁?

    If you have the last ticket to Noah 's ark , who would you give it to ?

  22. 这是圣经中描述的“诺亚方舟”时代的真正历史事实!

    This is the true history fact in the time of " Noah and his ark " long years ago !

  23. 福克斯新闻今天报道说,一支土耳其-中国联合探险队宣称在亚拉山发现了诺亚方舟。

    Fox News reported today about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claims to have found Naoh 's ark on Mount Ararat .

  24. 磨牙环连在毛绒的诺亚方舟上,方舟上共有三个毛绒小动物。

    The teething ring is attached to a plush Noah 's Ark and there are three plush animals in the Ark .

  25. 据官方称它叫“亚特兰蒂斯”号,不过每个人都把它叫作现代的诺亚方舟。

    Officially , it 's called the " Atlantis , " but everyone has started calling it a modern-day Noah 's Arc .

  26. 新时代的诺亚方舟可以供十人乘坐并携带足够十个月的食物供养。

    This new-age Noah 's Arc has room for ten people and can carry enough food supplies to keep them alive for 10 months .

  27. 派拉蒙希望《诺亚方舟:创世之旅》引发的争议能促使那些希望了解争议从何而来的观众走进影院。

    For its part , Paramount hopes that the debate generated by its film drives moviegoers who want see what the commotion is about .

  28. 有些人或许会称动物园过时了,而另外有些人称动物园是濒危动物的“诺亚方舟”,但是对动物们来说,可供它们选择的余地几乎没有了。

    Some may argue that zoos are archaic while others call them arks for endangered species , but there are few alternatives for the animals .

  29. 他也曾虚构了一个堆满了书的书架,书名多是滑稽可笑的,比如《诺亚方舟的架构》和一套名为《猫的生命》系列的九卷书籍。

    He had a fake bookcase with books that were hilariously titled , including Noah 's Arkitechture and a nine-volume set titled Cat 's Lives .

  30. 据说诺亚方舟上的狗得了感冒是因为迟到,只得坐在船栏边上的缘故。

    The dog is said to have a cold nose because he was late coming to the Ark and had to ride next to the rail .