
  • 网络modulation;Modulation Mode;QPSK;QAM;Modulation Type
  1. 无刷直流电机PWM调制方式研究

    Study on PWM Modulation Mode of Brushless DC Motor

  2. 分析QPSK调制方式下Hamming编码方式在不同信噪比下的通信质量。

    QPSK modulation mode of Hamming encoding different signal to noise ratio in the quality of communication .

  3. 级联H桥逆变器差补调制方式的研究

    Research on Differential PWM Strategy for Cascaded H - bridge Inverter

  4. OFDM系统中不同调制方式抗多径干扰的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Different Modulations ' Abilities to Combat Multipath Propagation in OFDM Systems

  5. 为解决GPS数据通信链路中传输抗干扰问题,选择性能良好的调制方式十分重要。

    It is very important to select good-capability modulating-mode in order to solve the anti-jamming problem on GPS communication link .

  6. 然而高移动性也给基于正交频分复用(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing,OFDM)调制方式的多载波LTE系统带来了新的挑战。

    However , high-mobility also brings new challenges to Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) - based LTE systems .

  7. 在以前的数字蜂窝系统中,往往采用FSK、ASK、PSK等调制方式。

    Previous digital honeycomb system often adopt modulation way of FSK , ASK , PSK etc.

  8. 宽带HFC网络中的调制方式与窄带干扰抑制的分析

    Analysis of modulation system and narrow band interference suppression in wide band HFC network

  9. 以减少驱动器损耗为目的提出了不同的PWM调制方式,并分析了对电机的影响;

    Different PWM modulate modes are proposed to reduce the loss of driver and corresponding effects on motor are also analyzed .

  10. 伪随机码与超声载波采用ASK(幅移键控)调制方式,介绍了伪随机码超声扩频测距硬件方案和超声测距时延估计模型。

    The author proposed the hardware circuit scheme and TDE ( Time Delay Estimation ) model for the system with the PRBS and ultrasonic carrier adopting ASK modulation mode .

  11. 仿真是基于QAM的调制方式。

    The simulation is based on the QAM modulation pattern .

  12. 与传统的单载波调制方式相比,OFDM技术可以有效地抵抗信道多径干扰,提高系统的传输速率。

    Compared with the traditional scheme of single-carrier modulation , OFDM technology has more effective anti-jamming ability and achieves higher transmission rate .

  13. 并且这种分析方法为不同调制方式下的输出PWM波形的频谱分析提供了一种启发性的思路。

    Further more , analytical solution educes an illuminative clue for spectral analysis on complicated output PWM waveforms based on different modulation strategies .

  14. 本文采用PWM调制方式,峰值电流反馈控制模式,电感工作在电流连续模式下。

    In this paper , the PWM modulation , the peak current feedback control mode , the inductor current continuous mode is adopted .

  15. 提出利用正交频分复用(OFDM)多载波调制方式代替单载波调制方式对信息进行处理。

    The OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) multi-carrier modulation is used to process messages instead of the traditional single carrier modulation .

  16. 仿真结果表明,相同占空比下,采用单斩PWM调制方式对产生电磁转矩有利。

    The simulation results indicate that single-chop PWM method is more effective than the double-chop PWM method for the production of the electromagnetic torque .

  17. 本文设计了基于SPWM调制方式的开关式高压正弦波逆变器来替代原有的高压装置。

    A switch high-voltage sine out inverter based on SPWM is designed instead of the old transformer .

  18. 第三章对MSK这种调制方式进行了总结。

    In third chapter , MSK modulation is summed up .

  19. 其中,在二极管箝位五电平结构方案的PWM调制方式中,本文又研究了一种快速SVPWM调制算法。

    Which PWM modulation of the diode clamped five-level structure program , this article also research a fast SVPWM modulation algorithm .

  20. 首先分析了无传感器无刷直流电机的位置检测方法、PWM调制方式和启动策略等控制原理。

    Some basic theories , such as methods of position detection , PWM control and starting policy of senseless BLDCM are disserted in the first .

  21. 采用双极调制方式单周控制APF补偿后的电源电流中存在直流分量。

    There are DC off-sets in the compensated source current of the APF with one-cycle control under bipolar modulation .

  22. 通过对实验结果得出的电压和电流波形的深入分析,提出了LPWM(LogicPulseWidthModulation)调制方式。

    Then the author proposed the LPWM ( Logic Pulse Width Modulation ) by analysising the voltage and current waveform on the experimental results .

  23. 搜索结果表明,对一定约束长度和调制方式,具有最大欧氏自由距的TCM好码有多个,文中给出了具有最简编码器结构的TCM好码。

    The results indicate that the best TCM codes with maximum free Euclidian Distance ( ED ) are more than one for a given constraint length and modulation scheme .

  24. 本论文通过MATLAB语言仿真验证上述调制方式的自动识别以及参数估计算法,为进一步研究非协作通信和软件无线电奠定了基础。

    The automatic recognition scheme and parameters estimation have been verified with MATLAB simulation , which have made a foundation for further research of non-cooperative communication and software defined radio .

  25. 仿真结果表明采用pwmon调制方式同时进行PWM脉宽补偿可显著减小换向转矩脉动。

    In order to decrease commutation torque ripples , a utility compensation method is introduced , and the simulation shows that it can get good torque performance .

  26. PSK是许多通信系统常采用的调制方式之一。

    PSK is one of the most frequently adopted modulation methods in many communication systems .

  27. 伽利略系统采用BOC调制方式。

    The system uses BOC modulation .

  28. 给出了利用信号星座图的QAM信号调制方式识别技术。

    The modulation recognition technique of QAM signal by the constellation diagram is given in this paper .

  29. 本程序详细描述了MSK调制方式在移动通信中的应用和效果。

    This procedure describes in detail the MSK modulation in mobile communication applications and effectiveness .

  30. 提出一种改进型单斩PWM调制方式,对桥臂上下管进行轮换单斩,保证了每个开关管损耗的一致性。

    An improved alternative single-chop PWM control mode is proposed in the paper , which ensures the consistency of power loss between the upper transistor and the lower one .