
  1. RS和GIS技术在土壤侵蚀调查监测中的应用

    Application of RS and GIS to Soil Erosion Investigation and Monitoring

  2. CBERS-02B星数据质量评估及土地调查监测应用潜力分析

    Evaluation on CBERS - 02B Data Quality and Analysis on Application Potential of Land Survey & Monitoring

  3. 内陆水域渔业污染事故调查监测探究

    Investigation and monitoring on the fishery pollution accidents in inland waters

  4. 森林资源调查监测综合体系现状分析

    Construction of an Integrated Forest Inventory and Monitoring System in China

  5. 国家土地资源调查监测技术体系建设设想

    Imagination on Technological System of National Land Resource Surveying and Monitoring

  6. 多氯联苯封存点土壤污染情况的调查监测

    Monitoring survey of PCBs pollution in soils of stored spots

  7. 茂名市农业环境质量常规性调查监测与评价

    Routine Monitoring and Quanlity Assessment of Agro-environment in Maoming

  8. 方法对桐城市农村饮水监测点调查监测资料及全市生活饮用水卫生监督、监测报表综合分析。

    Methods Monitoring report of drinking water was analyzed .

  9. 2007年深圳市药物滥用调查监测分析

    Analysis of 2007 drug abuse monitor reports in Shenzhen

  10. 市场鲜猪肉掺假状况的调查监测

    Investigation and Detection of Adulterated Pork from Markets

  11. 土地调查监测一体化电子作业平台设计

    The Design of Land Survey Integrative Electron Platform

  12. 广西沿海挥发酚的主要污染源的调查监测与评价

    Appraisement and the Investigation Inspection of the Major Pollution Source of GuangXi Coastal Volatile Phenol

  13. 广东湛江红树林国家级自然保护区鸟类调查监测及保护对策

    A Survey on Birds in the National Nature Reserve of Mangroves Forest in Zhanjiang and Conservation Strategy

  14. 北京市是我国的首都,森林资源的调查监测工作具有非常重要的意义。

    Beijing is the capital of our country , forest resource monitoring in the city is especially important .

  15. 根据土地调查监测的业务流程,设计实现了土地调查监测一体化电子作业平台。

    Based on the operation process of land survey , the land survey integrative electron platform is designed and produced .

  16. 据调查监测结果,我国约有一半的城市市区地下水污染严重,地下水水质下降。

    According to the investigation and monitoring results , groundwater of about half of the city in China is polluted .

  17. 本文报道了对南京机场国际国内候机厅等公共场所空气卫生状况的调查监测结果。

    The author investigated the air condition in NANJING airport waiting hall ( including the international hall and the domestic hall ) .

  18. 在对6种典型农业区域土壤污染状况进行调查监测的基础上,结合土壤环境质量标准,评估所监测地区土壤污染现状及其趋势。

    Situation and trends of polluted soils from six typical agriculture fields have been outlined with the environmental quality standards of soil promulgated .

  19. 通过水深地形调查监测人类活动对黄河口北部粉砂淤泥质海岸的影响

    Monitoring the Anthropogenic Impact on the Muddy Coast by Means of Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys North of the Yellow River Mouth , China

  20. 文中在调查监测的基础上,对太原市地表土中汞元素的含量进行了初步分析评价。

    Based on detailed investigation and monitoring , the Hg-element content in the surface soil in Taiyuan , Shanxi Province is analyzed and assessed .

  21. 本论文比较全面详实地调查监测了杭州市的城市社会生活噪声分布,弄清杭州市主要的社会生活噪声源的结构、特征、规律。

    We survey the distributing of social activity noise in Hangzhou , and make clear the configuration , character , rule of main social activiy .

  22. 文摘:为了探讨砖厂氟污染对周围果树的影响,摸索可行的治理办法,我们对一个砖厂及周围果树开展了调查监测。

    Abstract : an investigation was conducted within a brickkiln and the fruit trees around it in order to understand the fluorine pollution from the brickkiln .

  23. 浙江省农村水厂管网末梢水水质调查监测情况分析农情遥感监测中空间抽样技术研究现状与发展趋势


  24. 通过2003~2004年对福建闽南沿海5种养殖贝类体砷含量的调查监测,对养殖贝类体中砷含量的分布进行了探讨。

    It was undertaken ( 2003 ~ 2004 ) to investigate the distribution of arsenic concentrations in five culture-shellfish from the southern coast of Fujian Province , China .

  25. 从根本上解决了传统土地调查监测产品间通讯困难、集成度不高、专业程度低等问题。

    So it can ultimately solve these problems that exist in traditional land survey , such as difficult communication between products , incompact integration level and low special function etc.

  26. 纵观森林资源调查监测技术的研究,单依靠遥感和地面测量技术还是无法方便有效地得到我们需要的森林空间数据。

    Reviewing the techniques of surveying forest resource inventory , those forest spatial data can not be obtained conveniently and efficiently just with the remote sensing and ground measurement .

  27. 平台将外业数据采集、空间数据管理和信息发布等功能集成为一体,基本涵盖了土地调查监测的全过程。

    The function of field data collection , spatial data management and information distribution are integrated in the platform which involves almost aspects of the process of land survey .

  28. 本文通过对三峡库区蓄水前主要一级支流富营养化背景值进行调查监测,并采用水体综合营养状态指数法,对库区次级河流水体富营养化背景进行了评价。

    This article is based on background value monitoring in major branch rivers before Reservoir water storage , the author apply trophic level index approach to evaluate the background trophic level in Reservoir Area .

  29. 通过大量的调查监测资料,对重庆市水资源开发利用与水环境保护现状进行了较系统的分析,特别是三峡库区的水生态环境保护问题。

    In this paper , the water resources development and water environment protection in Chongqing is analyzed systematically by investigating and monitoring for water , especially , the water ecology protection in Three-gorges reservoir region is discussed .

  30. 该项目于1995年6月组织实施,历时三年,经调查监测表明:1998年项目户人均纯收入达972.77元,比1995年的486.86元增加3485.91元,提高99.80%,效益明显。

    The investigation showed that the net income of average farmer reached to 972,77 yuan in 1998 . It was over 3485.91 yuan than 486.86 yuan in 1995 and increased by 99.80 % . It has been obviously benefit .