
tiáo yīn
  • tone tuning;toning;tune
调音 [tiáo yīn]
  • [tune] 调节音高或使之入调

调音[tiáo yīn]
  1. TMc具有重要的调音功能。

    The TMc possesses the significant toning function .

  2. 我们进入音乐厅时,管弦乐队正在调音。

    The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall .

  3. 我能听到乐队调音的声音。

    I could hear the sound of a band tuning up .

  4. “我们在演奏以前确实会为吉他调音,”他坚持说道。

    ' We do tune our guitars before we go on , ' he insisted .

  5. 我们的心灵会自动地与能量和象徵语言共鸣调音

    Our psyches are naturally attuned to energetic codes and symbolic language .

  6. 基于Blackfin的嵌入式Linux数字调音台的开发

    Development of Embedded Linux Digital Mixer Based on Blackfin

  7. 从乐富豪专业调音台R系列旨在提供易于使用的,巨大的价值封装高品质的音频性能。

    The R Series of mixers from Wharfedale Professional are designed to offer a superior quality audio performance in an easy to use , great value package .

  8. 计算机在Mozart调音台上的应用

    Applications of Computer in Mozart Sound Consoles

  9. 该层的中心是一间会议室,它由拉尔夫•劳伦(RalphLauren)设计,从墙纸到调音台几乎完全采用黑色色调。

    At its heart is a boardroom pimped out by Ralph Lauren almost entirely in black , from the wallpaper to the mixing bar .

  10. KTV专业功放、调音台、民用功放高、中、低档整套软件和硬件开发。

    KTV professional amplifier , power amplifier civilian high , medium and low-end package of software and hardware development .

  11. 但特伦卡指出,琼斯在乐队最早期的时候也经常使用这种调音法,还引述“滚石”原始成员迪克·泰勒(DickTaylor)的话:“基思看着布莱恩用那种调音法弹琴,肯定什么都学到了。”

    But Mr. Trynka notes that Jones often played in that tuning from the band 's earliest days and quotes Dick Taylor , an original member of the Stones , as saying , " Keith watched Brian play that tuning , and certainly knew all about it . "

  12. 度假的KasrIbrim为您提供了一种不同的看法的想法蜜月埃及,调音台的历史,用较少的地区的旅游陷阱,豪华这是一个小冷门推荐。

    Holidaying on the Kasr Ibrim gives you a different take on the idea of a honeymoon to Egypt , mixing the history of the area with fewer tourist traps for luxury that 's a little off the beaten track .

  13. 古代铜鼓调音问题初探

    A preliminary inquiry into the tuning problems of ancient bronze drums

  14. 论甘美兰音阶的结构形态与调音模式

    Software Pattern Reuse On Structure and Tonal Mode of Gamelan Scale

  15. 我们走进音乐厅时,乐队正在调音。

    The orchestra were tuning up when we entered the concert-hall .

  16. 钢琴调间师:我来给您的钢琴调音。

    Piano tuner : I 've come to tune your piano .

  17. 艾米莉·狄更森也不知如何为自己的作品调音。

    Emily Dickinson too is unsure how to pitch her work .

  18. 我们进入大厅时,管弦乐队正在调音。

    The orchestra were tuning up as we entered the hall .

  19. 钢琴调音师:这我知道,可这是你的邻居要我这样做的。

    Piano Tuner : I know , but your neighbours did .

  20. 我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音。

    I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it .

  21. 带有簧乐器音质的调音器。

    An organ stop with the tone of a reed instrument .

  22. 主要生产调音台、功率放大器、音箱及周边设备。

    Mainly produce mixers , power amplifiers , loudspeakers and periphery equipments .

  23. 我们希望分享两种方法来利用这个调音。

    We wish to share two methods for working with this Attunement .

  24. 去降低听这个调音的频率,并且去找出你自己的舒适区域。

    Listen to the Attunement less often and find your comfort zone .

  25. 他在隔壁房里给吉他调音。

    He was in the next room , turning up his guitar .

  26. 我能以我个人来证明这个调音的精妙效力。

    I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement .

  27. 管弦乐队在登台前花了10分钟来调音。

    The orchestra spent ten minutes tuning up before going on stage .

  28. 我感觉到了在这个调音内存在着自我探索和自我发现的无限的机会。

    I sense immense opportunities within this Attunement for self-exploration and self-discovery .

  29. 他们只是在为今晚的音乐会调音呢。

    They 're just starting to tune up for the concert tonight .

  30. GB/T9003-1988调音台基本特性测量方法

    Methods of measurement for the fundamental characteristics of mixing console