
  • 网络resonant transformer
  1. 该文报道了利用谐振变压器作为耦合网络,其传输比及Q值对超导磁强计性能的影响。

    This paper reports the resonant transformer as the coupling network between dc SQUID and preamplifier of dc SQUID magnetometer and investigates the effect of the transfer ratio and Q value of the resonant transformer on the performance of magnetometer .

  2. 本文指出了变压器T型等效电路在分析铁磁谐振变压器时的局限性。

    This paper points out limitation of the T-equivalent circuit of transformer in analyzing ferroresonant transformer .

  3. 脉冲CO2激光器谐振开关电源变压器的设计

    Design of the Transformer of Resonant Switching Mode Power Supply in Pulse CO_2 Laser

  4. 谐振与调谐变压器基因沉默及其克服策略

    Resonance and Resonant Transformer Gene Silencing and the Countermeasures

  5. 谐振与调谐变压器

    Resonance and Resonant Transformer

  6. 谐振电容与变压器的集成可以采用本文提出的多层集成绕组来实现。

    For the resonant capacitor , we can use the proposed multiple layer foil to realize its integration with transformer .

  7. 串联谐振电感与变压器集成有两种方法:利用变压器漏感集成和采用共用部分磁路方法集成。

    The series resonant inductor can be integrated with the transformer through two different methods : utilizing transformer leakage inductor and using the common magnetic path method .

  8. 根据此依据进行电路设计与仿真分析,并对谐振电感和变压器进行了理论计算,设计实验进行实验验证,实验结果与仿真相一致,证明了分析设计的正确性。

    Resonant inductor and transformer are calculated in theory . According to the basis , simulation and experiment are designed , and the experiment results are accordance with the simulation results , which prove the validity of the analysis and design .

  9. 首先本文分析了谐振式开关电源变压器所处的工作状态,比较了不同矩形比磁心材料在该工作状态下磁通密度Bm的工作范围,为高频变压器磁心材料的选取提供了指导原则。

    First , the working state of resonant CCPS transformer is analyzed , and a guiding principle of core material selection is provided , which is based on the comparing material magnetic flux density working range with different rectangular ratio in this state .

  10. 为了抑制电压型谐波源,利用电感与电容的并联谐振原理,采用变压器和交流电容设计了新的谐波抑制装置&新型LC并联谐振型滤波器。

    For suppressing the voltage harmonic source , a new harmonic suppression device with transformer and AC capacitor is designed , based on the theory of shunt-resonance of inductance and capacitance .

  11. 本文对绕组结构和气隙的影响分别进行了分析,在损耗分析的基础上讨论提出了一些LLC谐振变流器中平面变压器的优化方法。

    In this paper , the effects of winding structure and air gap on winding loss are analyzed respectively . Based on the loss analysis , some optimization method to design a LLC planar transformer are presented and discussed .

  12. 与普通的变压器不同,LLC谐振变流器中的变压器同时实现了一个变压器和一个电感的功能,导致变压器原副边电流并不是同相位的,这就引起一些额外的铜损。

    Different from conventional power transformer , the transformer in LLC resonant converter is a combination of inductor and transformer . The primary side current and secondary side current is not in phase , which affects the power loss of the windings .

  13. 谐振法消除高频变压器分布电容影响的研究

    Research on Eliminating the Influence of Parasitical Capacity in High Frequency Transformer using Resonant Method

  14. 该系统由高频谐振逆变器、高频变压器和高频交流脉冲密度调制变频器组成。

    The suggested system consists of high frequency ( HF ) resonant inverter , HF transformer and HFAC pulse density modulation ( PDM ) converter .

  15. 文中对开环恒流原理进行了详细分析,得出开环恒流条件。同时给出了开环恒流驱动器中开关频率、谐振电感电容以及变压器变比的设计依据。

    The open-loop constant-current theory is analyzed and the design basis for the switching frequency , resonant inductor and capacitor , transformer turns ratio is given .

  16. 同时,为了提高系统功率密度,选择了优化的磁性元器件结构,实现了谐振感性元件与变压器的磁性器件集成,大大减小了变换电路的体积。

    In order to improve the system power density , selected the optimized structure of the magnetic components , achieved the integrated of resonant inductance and transformer , greatly reduced the converter volume .

  17. 重点研究了谐振电感与变换器中变压器的平面磁集成方案,并在谐振电感和变压器集成结构基础之上采用无源集成技术对变换器中的谐振电感和谐振电容进行无源集成,构造平面无源集成模块。

    This paper key research the planar magnetic integrated solutions which the resonant inductance and converter transformer , and integrated the resonant inductor and resonant capacitor together on the resonant inductor and transformer integration structure by planar passive integrated technology , constructing planar passive integrated module .