
  • 网络zappos;tony hsieh
  1. 谢家华,捷步达康的CEO,相信他的成功是找到了合适的人,这些人能够很好的适应企业文化。

    Tony Hsieh , CEO of Zappos , believes his success has been in finding the right people & the ones who fit comfortably into the corporate culture .

  2. 两周前,我去了Zappos位于内华达州Henderson的总部,就在拉斯维加斯附近。我访问了公司的CEO谢家华(TonyHsieh)和他的同事们。

    Two weeks ago , I paid a visit to Zappos headquarters in Henderson , Nevada , just outside Las Vegas , and spent time with CEO Tony Hsieh and his colleagues .

  3. (至于常驻创业家,)我选择Zappos的谢家华。

    ( for entrepreneur in residence ) I picked Tony Hsieh from Zappos .

  4. 哈迪•帕托维与Zappos的创始人谢家华还参加了哈佛大学的一个电脑编程队,在一次全球编程大赛上获得了第7名的成绩。

    Hadi and Tony Hsieh , on a Harvard computer programming team together , placed seventh in a global coding competition .

  5. Zappos公司的创始人谢家华认为,要让员工感受到工作的快乐,首先应该让他们感觉到,他们是一项伟大事业的一部分,让他们觉得自己与工作是相联系的。

    For Zappos founder Tony Heisch , happiness at work begins with giving employees a sense that they are part of something bigger and that they feel connected to the work they do .

  6. 哈迪进入了Tellme公司的创业团队,阿里则进入了LinkExchange的创业团队——也就是谢家华Zappos公司的前身。后来两兄弟都把公司卖给了微软(Microsoft),各自赚了不少钱。

    On the founding teams of Tellme ( Hadi ) and LinkExchange ( Ali ) -- Hsieh 's pre-Zappos startup -- the brothers both made money selling those companies to Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  7. 其创始人谢家华(TonyHsieh)称:“我们正试图从常规的等级结构转向一种体系……使员工更像是企业家一样行动,自己指挥工作,而非向经理汇报。”

    Its founder , Tony Hsieh , said : " We 're trying to [ switch ] from a normal hierarchical structure to a system ... which enables employees to act more like entrepreneurs and self-direct their work instead of reporting to a manager . "

  8. 实际上这些人很擅长利用倾听的艺术从周围获取自己需要的信息。比如说,Zappos的创始人谢家华就要求员工分享各自的价值观,从而使他们融入企业的文化和价值观。

    These people 's ability to practice the art of listening helped them learn what they needed to know about the world around them . " For example , Zappos " Hsieh asked all his employees to share their personal values so that he could incorporate them into the company 's values and culture .

  9. 然而,谢家华的《三双鞋》显然不仅仅局限于商业。

    However , Tony Hsieh 's book is clearly about something more than business .

  10. 但是,随着高科技繁荣的破灭,谢家华面临资金的日益短缺,他的故事也变得生动起来。

    But as the tech boom bursts , and Hsieh confronts his dwindling investments , his story comes alive .

  11. 著名华人企业家谢家华曾经告诉我,电子邮件的问题在于它是一个足够好的解决方案。

    As Tony Hsieh once told me , the problem with email is that it is a good-enough solution .

  12. 如果还有谁懂得人的价值,以及如何给别人带来快乐,这个人非谢家华莫属。

    If anyone understands the value of people , and how people have the ability to delight other people , it is him .

  13. 市长加里。里斯感谢谢家华搬到商业区并提供拉斯维加斯当地居民就业机会。

    Mayor Pro Tem Gary Reese thanked Hsieh for moving to the downtown and providing the opportunity to employee Las Vegas residents at the location .

  14. 但谢家华说,他预测员工的餐饮和娱乐需求将使商业涌现,包括更多餐馆,咖啡厅和书店。

    But Hsieh said he envisioned more businesses would spring up downtown to meet their dining and entertainment needs , including more restaurants , coffee shops and bookstores .

  15. “我第一次见谢家华和费雷德。莫斯勒(捷步达康高层职员)的时候,我们正走在商业区的街道上。”唐纳如此告诉市议会。

    " When I first met Tony Hsieh and Fred Mossler ( a top Zappos officer ), we walked the streets of downtown ," Donner told the city council .

  16. 谢家华告诉《今日美国》,在他最喜欢的书中,有一本书叫作《部落领导力》。这本书是由戴夫·罗根,约翰·金,海立·费舍·赖特共同编著的。

    Hsieh told USA Today that one of his favorite books is " Tribal Leadership Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization " by Dave Logan , John King and Halee Fischer Wright .

  17. 在这些迷人的(有时欢闹的)描述中,托尼(谢家华)解释了他如何把信仰变成行动,这的确传递着幸福。

    " In this fascinating ( and often hilarious ) account , Tony explains how he turns his beliefs into actions that really do deliver happiness . "( Gretchen Rubin , author of The Happiness Project )

  18. 我是捷步达康创始人谢家华的超级粉丝,我想分享一些有趣的,鼓舞人心的事情,当你正在创造一些有创造性的东西和正在运用你的创造性思维时,享受你的这些时光。

    I 'm big fan of Tony , founder of Zappos . I would like to share something , interesting , inspiring and enjoy your time when you 're creating something creative , using your creative mind .