
  • 网络fallacy theory;error theory
  1. 谬误理论使滥用或误用刑事推定的原因获得了逻辑上的解释。

    Fallacy theory provides the logical interpretation to the cause of abuse or misuse criminal presumptions .

  2. 亚里士多德关于谬误的理论主要载于《工具论》的《辩谬篇》和《前分析篇》中,另外在《修辞学》一书中也有阐述。

    This paper investigates Aristotle 's theory of fallacy systematically and analyses the logical argumentation of his fallacy .

  3. 这些问题需要经过对歧义现象的精密分析加以解决,因此,很有必要重申作者20世纪50年代以来建立的关于歧义及其相关谬误的理论,以便在我国推动批判性思维的普及。

    With precise analysis of the ambiguous phenomena , these problems can be solved . Therefore , it is necessary to reiterate the theory of ambiguity and its related fallacies established since 1950s so as to promote critical thinking in our country .

  4. “凯恩斯主义者”的谬误在于他们的理论前提:一切衰退,不论何时发生,都完全是“协调问题”的结果错误预期导致需求不足。

    The fallacy of the " Keynesians " is their premise that all slumps , all of the time , are entirely the result of " co-ordination problems " mis-expectations causing a deficiency of demand .

  5. 现代逻辑学家如柯比等人则在前人的基础上,对谬误作出了更全面、更精确的分类,并且对各种谬误的解释和举例也更确切,从而使谬误理论更好地为实践服务。

    Modern logicians have made the classification of errors overall and exactly , the explanation which they have made to the errors are more reasonable .