
  1. 故此,谭嗣同又说“立中国之道,得夷狄之情,而架驭柔服之,方因事会以为通”(同上,P236)。

    Therefore , Tan said ," Building China 's Road , were barbarians love , soft clothes rack Yu 's square pass because the incident may think "( ibid . , P236 ) .

  2. 谭嗣同民权思想评价

    Appraise on the Idea of Tan sitong 's Civil Rights

  3. 谭嗣同思想悲剧新论

    A New Tragic Theory of Tan Sitong 's Thought

  4. 谭嗣同与近代精神视域的建立

    Tan Sitong and the Constitution of Modern Spiritual Horizon

  5. 试析谭嗣同的教育思想

    An Analysis of the Educational Thought of Tan Sitong

  6. 试论墨学对谭嗣同思想的影响

    On the Mohist Influence upon Tan Sitong 's Thought

  7. 谭嗣同哲学思想的启蒙意蕴

    Tan Sitong ' Enlightening Meaning of Philosophical Thinking

  8. 谭嗣同与科举制度

    Tan Sitong and the Imperial Examination System

  9. 略论游历生活对谭嗣同的影响

    Impacts of Vagrant Life on Tan Sitong

  10. 谭嗣同是中国近代史上非常重要的哲学家之一。

    Tan Sitong is one of the most important philosopher in the Chinese modern history .

  11. 谭嗣同论通的思想

    Coherent Thought of Tan Sitong 's Theory

  12. 谭嗣同与近代佛教思想的变迁

    The Militancy of Modern Buddhism

  13. 谭嗣同《仁学》与中国近代政治思维

    Tan Ci tong 's Treatise on Benevolence and the Political Mode of Thinking of Chinese Modern Times

  14. 第一章简单介绍了谭嗣同的家世及其思想的理论渊源。

    The first chapter briefly describes the Tan sitong family background and the theoretical origin of the ideas .

  15. 谭嗣同哲学主导思想的转变及其实践后果

    On the Transformation of Tan Sitong 's Main Philosophical Thinking and its Consequence after Being Put into Practice

  16. 结语部分对谭嗣同的诗文创作和理论主张在文学史上的贡献和地位进行了概括论述。

    The ending part evaluated briefly his contribution and status in the literary history from literary creation and theoretical opinion .

  17. 中国近代认识史上的困惑&谭嗣同、严复不可知论的比较研究

    Frustration in The Modern Thinking History in China & A Comparative Study Between TAN Si-tong 's And Yan Fu 's Agnosticism

  18. 鸦片战争以后,康有为、谭嗣同、孙中山等提出了中国近代民本思想。

    After the Opium War , Kang , Tan , Sun Yat-sen put forward the thinking of people in modern China .

  19. 谭嗣同是清末著名的改革派思想家,是一位具有政治魅力和学术魅力的历史人物。

    Tan Si-tong is a renowned thinker of the late Qing , he is a historical person with political and academic charm .

  20. 偶像的颠覆与思想的锐进&谭嗣同对湘军评判的心路曲线

    The Subversion of Idol and the Sharp Chang of Thought & the Changes of Tan Sitong 's Evaluation to the Hunan Army

  21. 谭嗣同不仅是戊戌政治变革集团的中坚,更是近代最早批判封建家庭纲常伦理的人之一。

    Tan Sitong was not only a political struggler in the Reform Movement of 1898.but also a criticizing man on the feudal family orders and ideas .

  22. 谭嗣同提出除旧的政策,这是他变易观中最为深刻和彻底的一面。

    Tan put forward the policy of " Repeal the Old ", this is the most profound and thorough point in his view of " variation " .

  23. 谭嗣同政治人格浅析&兼论谭嗣同慷慨就义的心理根源这种天方夜谭难道你会相信?

    Analysis of TAN Si-tong s Political Personality and Psychological Causes of His Dying a Hero s Death ; Would you believe in this kind of fantasy ?

  24. 本文从谭嗣同平等思想的形成、理论基础、内容、特点和局限性、启示五部分进行了研究。

    The write studies his equal thoughts in five parts , including the formation of equality , the theory foundation the content , the characteristics and limited enlightenment .

  25. 谭嗣同的哲学思想是中国近代启蒙哲学的重要组成部分,促进了中国传统哲学向近代哲学的转型。

    Tan Sitong'philosophical thought is a very important component of enlightening philosophy in modern China , which promotes the transition of Chinese philosophy from tradition to modern times .

  26. 这对矛盾使谭嗣同常常处于两难境地,并影响着他一生的政治活动和政治心态,最终导致了殉身于理想的政治悲剧的发生。

    This contradiction influenced his political psychology and activities , used to put him into a dilemma , and finally resulted in his tragedy of sacrificing his life for his ideal .

  27. 游历生活是谭嗣同短暂人生中的重要方面,对谭嗣同人格风格的形成有重大影响。

    Vagrant life constitutes an important part of Tan Sitong s short life , and has great impacts on his personality and style , which has not received much attention by scholars .

  28. 谭嗣同东西方人本主义的特殊交汇智的本体论与爱的本体论中西本体论的歧异与会通

    Tan Sitong a Unique Convergence of Humanism of both the Orient and the Occident Ontology of Intelligence and Ontology of Love Differences and Similarities Between the Orient and the Occident in Ontology

  29. 谭嗣同由于相对主义的思维方式和强调感官的局限而陷入不可知论,严复则由于感觉主义和推崇经验、实证而走向不可知论。

    Tan Si-tong had fallen into agnosticism as a result of the relativism and emphasizing limitations of sense . However , Yan Fu had made for it because the experiences were taken into account .

  30. 本文将谭嗣同的伦理思想置于东西方人本主义发展的坐标系中进行考察,以研究其在中国思想史中的地位和作用。

    This paper examines Tan 's ethical ideas in the whole coordinate of the development of both Oriental and Occidental humanisms , thus to study its due place and role in the history of Chinese ideology .