
  1. 进口:芝麻籽,鸡蛋粉,豆奶(豆浆)粉,有机产品,巧克力派,糖果。

    HyongBongKoh Im : Sesame Seed , Egg Powder , Soymilk Powder , Organic Products , Choco Pie , Confectioneries .

  2. 思慕雪为注重健康的人士所喜爱。一些饭店还提供加入豆浆、乳清粉、绿茶、草药成分及一些营养成分的思慕雪。

    Smoothies are marketed to health-conscious people , and some restaurants offer add-ins such as soy milk , whey powder , green tea , herbal supplements , or nutritional supplement mixes .

  3. 据《北京晨报》报道,昨天,又有永和豆浆和真功夫两家知名快餐企业被曝出使用豆浆粉调制豆浆。

    Two more fast food restaurants , Yonghe Soybean Milk and Kungfu , were found to use soybean milk powder to make soy milk yesterday , the Beijing Morning News reports .

  4. 永和豆浆餐饮总部相关负责人已对记者坦称,永和豆浆门店都采用自产的豆浆粉加水冲制而成。

    An employee at Yonghe 's headquarters told reporters that their soy milk is made with homemade soybean milk powder and water .