
dòu bàn
  • Douban;A segment of a bean after being peeled.
豆瓣 [dòu bàn]
  • [valve;halves of a bean] 豆类去皮后可分开的子叶

  1. 留点豆瓣菜作配菜。

    Reserve some watercress for garnish .

  2. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  3. 这位20岁的年轻人所说的是他在网剧《棋魂》中的表现,该剧于11月27日收官,豆瓣评分高达8.4分(满分10分)。

    The 20-year-old is talking about his performance in the online series Hikaru No Go , which ended on Nov 27 . It achieved a score of 8.4 out of 10 on Douban .

  4. 响应面法优化混合发酵法控制郫县豆瓣中黄曲霉毒素B1含量的最佳制曲条件研究

    Control of Pixian Douban aflatoxin B_1 content in mixed koji fermentation by response surface method

  5. 他喜欢王子街(PrinceStreet)奥利弗餐馆(Olive’s)的番茄豆瓣菜鸡肉三明治。

    He loved the chicken sandwich with watercress and tomatoes at Olive 's on Prince Street .

  6. 关于网上查档服务的新思考&由豆瓣看CRM在档案馆网站中的运用

    New Ideas about Service of Consulting Files on Website & Application of CRM in Archives Website from View of " Douban "

  7. 中国豆瓣酱可在亚洲市场买到,标签上写着“doubanjiang”或“tobandjan”。

    You can find Chinese chili bean sauce at Asian markets . The label will read dou ban jiang or toban djan ;

  8. 带“郫县”(Pixian)标识的,是产自四川的高级豆瓣酱。

    the word Pixian signals an excellent version made in Sichuan .

  9. 结果表明:热激处理微加工蚕豆瓣对于抑制褐变的发生有明显的作用,尤其是60℃60s的综合效果最好;

    The result showed that the effect of 60 ℃ treatment for 60s was the optimum for micro-processing broad bean seed ;

  10. 郑远涛建议那些想从事自由职业的人可以通过加入像QQ群或豆瓣小组这样的业内人士网络联盟,来了解行业信息。

    Zheng suggests that would-be freelancers learn more about their industry by joining online communities of industry insiders , like QQ groups and douban groups .

  11. 各项指标综合分析表明,对不同N水平的富营养化水体处理中,水蕹菜处理效果最好,水芹、豆瓣菜次之,芹菜居中,韭菜最差。

    The integrated analysis of all indices indicated that in the different N level eutrophic water , the purification effect of water convolvulus was the best , water dropwort and watercress take second place , celery place in the center , leek was worst .

  12. 米曲霉(AspergillusOryzae)是酿造业中的重要微生物,对酱油、豆瓣、米酒等的产率和风味起着重要作用。

    Aspergillus oryzae , an important microorganism in brewing manufacturing , plays a significant role in the production and flavor of food manufacturing industries , such as soy sauce , Chinese bean sauce , rice wine and so on .

  13. 苦瓜浸提物对豆瓣酱防腐作用的研究

    Study on Antisepsis Effect of Momordica Charantia Extracts to Bean Sauce

  14. 实验研究了豆瓣酱中黄酮类化合物的提取与测定。

    Experimental study of a bean paste flavonoids extraction and determination .

  15. 猪肉豆瓣酱调味品工艺的研究

    Research on the Processing of Pork - Broad Bean Paste Seasoning

  16. 从腐败的豆瓣酱中分离获得了1株细菌和1株酵母菌;

    Bacteria and 1 yeast was separated from rotten bean sauce .

  17. 把鳄梨去皮切薄片,和豆瓣菜一起放入碗中。

    Peel and slice the avocado and add to bowl with watercress .

  18. 设计了生产邯郸豆瓣酱的工艺改进。

    New technology of fermentation to make Handan bean sauce was designed .

  19. 宁在自由中吃豆瓣,不在囚牢中享蜜饯。

    A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison .

  20. 可以,先生。我向你推荐鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、回锅肉和豆瓣鲫鱼。

    Double-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili bean Sauce .

  21. 提高郫县豆瓣中氨基氮含量的工艺研究

    The process research of improving the amino nitrogen in Pixian bean paste

  22. 郫县豆瓣产品特点、工艺特征、纯种分离及生产应用

    Product Characteristics , Process characteristics and Purebred of Pixian Douban

  23. 龙蒿或莳萝、切碎的豆瓣菜、菠菜或黄瓜做成的蛋黄酱。

    Mayonnaise with tarragon or dill and chopped watercress and spinach or cucumber .

  24. 因此,黄牟今年一月成立了豆瓣公开课教室。

    So Huang established Open Douban Courses this January .

  25. 豆瓣中图书、标签、读者推荐构成的网络分布特征研究

    Research the Books , Tags and Recommendation Composing Network of Douban Scattering Character

  26. 猪油100克豆瓣酱30克

    lard oil 100g , thick broad-bean sauce 30g

  27. 用红辣椒沙司和剁碎的豆瓣菜做成的调味汁。

    Vinaigrette with chili sauce and chopped watercress .

  28. 该系列在豆瓣平均得分7.9。

    The series got an average of 7.9 points out of 10 on Douban .

  29. 一开始是想着。不要把豆瓣上的人和我生活中的人相交织。

    Summer is warm , and I don 't need what you want to give .

  30. 她加入了豆瓣上的一个求职讨论小组,跟其他求职者互动交流。

    She joined a recruitment discussion group to talk with other members looking for jobs .